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Example sentences for "ende"

Lexicographically close words:
endanger; endangered; endangering; endangers; endarteritis; endear; endeared; endearing; endearment; endearments
  1. The ende of the seventh and laste booke of the arte of warre, of Nicholas Machiavell, Citezein and Secretarie of Florence, translated out of Italian into Englishe: By Peter Whitehorne, felow of Graise Inne.

  2. The ende of him that wil make warre, is to be able to fight with every enemy in the fielde and to be able to overcum an armie.

  3. Whereby moste plainly maie be comprehended, with how moche felicitie he did describe his conceiptes, and how moche for Poetrie he should have ben estemed, if the same for the ende therof, had of him ben exercised.

  4. Then from the ende of the hed waye, towardes Northe, leavyng the space of lxxv.

  5. Sidenote: The auctor retorneth to his first purpose and maketh a littel discorse to make an ende of his reasonyng.

  6. Now seyng Cosimus began this reasonyng prudently, Baptiste prudently shall ende it.

  7. Soma had wened for to haue made an ende [Some?

  8. Cortes began this husbandrye, but yet made not an ende thereof, with the comming of Pamfilo de Naruaiz, and the vprore in Mexico, whiche shortly followed.

  9. From that day forward he commaunded that none of hys Campe shoulde doe any hurte to any Indian, and certifyed his men that the same daye his warres were at an ende with that prouince.

  10. The Painters serued for notaries, to paint al the cases which were to be resolued, but no sute passed aboue fourescore dayes without finall ende and determination.

  11. In fine, he came lyke a great Lorde, & arriued in Spayne, in the ende of the yéere 1528.

  12. Thrée dayes Mutezuma remayned in extréeme payne, and at the ende departed his life.

  13. Some fled to the gates; but at every gate they found a band of guards, who called out 'Schilt ende Vriendt!

  14. After wee had cleared our selues thereof, wee ranged all along the coast of Desolation vntill the ende of the aforesayd moneth.

  15. The third way by the Northeast, beyond all Europe and Asia, that worthy and renowmed knight sir Hugh Willoughbie sought to his perill, enforced there to ende his life for colde, congealed and frozen to death.

  16. What moued these learned men to affirme thus much, I know not, or to what ende so many and sundry trauellers of both ages haue allowed the same: [Marginal note: We ought by reasons right to haue a reuerent opinion of worthy men.

  17. North and by East, and when I brought it Northwest and by North, it did rise at the Southermost ende with a litle hommocke, and swampe in the middes.

  18. Iues in Cornewall about the ende of October.

  19. At the ende of all, like a mery epilogue to a dull play sundry tales are cut out in sundry fashions of purpose to shorten the lives of long winters nights that lye watching in the darke for us.

  20. My thridde book now ende ich in this wyse; And Troilus in luste and in quiete Is with Criseyde, his owne herte swete.

  21. These be wrytten to the instruction of vs that be come into the ende of the worlde: [Sidenote: Math.

  22. These be the principall causes why Christe did sende the Iewes to searche the scriptures: for to this ende were they wrytten, saith Saint Iohn, Hae scripta sunt ut credatis, et vt credentes vitam habeatis eternam.

  23. Youthe ginneth ofte sich bargeyn, That may not ende withouten peyn.

  24. The printed edition of 1651 has this heading--'These verses next folowing were compiled by Geffray Chauser, and in the writen copies foloweth at the ende of the complainte of petee.

  25. This bargeyn ende may never take, But-if that she thy pees wil make.

  26. These verses next folowing were compiled by Geffray Chauser, and in the writen copies foloweth at the ende of the complainte of petee.

  27. The hevene hath propretee of sikernesse, This world hath ever resteles travayle; 70 Thy laste day is ende of myn intresse: In general, this reule may nat fayle.

  28. Windesore (Windsor), and ende of whiche streme in l.

  29. Than ende I thus, sith I may do no more, I yeve hit up for now and ever-more; For I shal never eft putten in balaunce My sekernes, ne lerne of love the lore.

  30. And his godly lyfe a godly ende shal fynde But these lewde caytyfs which doth theyr myndes blynde With corrupt maners lyuynge vnhappely.

  31. But for that he coude nat fynde certayne ende of goodnes and hyest felicite in naturall thinges: nor induce men to the same, he gaue the hye contemplacions of his mynde to moral vertues.

  32. Of the ende of worldly honour & power and of folys y^t trust in them.

  33. Trewly, mayster amener, I thinke it longe to here the ende of our Certes, monsieur laulmosnier, il me tarde douir la fin de nostre begonne communycation.

  34. Also there is two other that doth ende in oir, the tone hath an a, in the penultyme syllable, as auoir and scauoir; whiche do make ay and scay in the present.

  35. Speaking of Indian summer, the only approach to it I have seen was in the hazy atmosphere at the West Ende Halle.

  36. And although the olde Woman in the beginninge resisted Iulietta hir intent, yet in the ende she knew so wel how to persuade and win hir, that she promised in all that she was able to do, to be at hir commaundement.

  37. The beginning she offereth freely to him that list, the Ende she calleth for, as a ransome or trybute payable vnto hir.

  38. And yet in th'ende being old and impotent, they vnkindly deposed him from his Dukedom.

  39. Then ceassing there, it wente from thence throughe al the east partes of England into the Northe vntill the ende of Auguste, at whiche tyme it diminished, and in the ende of Septembre fully ceassed.

  40. On odherne ende men beodh acennede, on otherne ende h['i] fordhfaradh.

  41. On thyssere andwerdan geladhunge sind gemengde yfele and gode, swa swa claene corn mid fulum coccele: ac on ende thyssere worulde se sodha Dema haet his englas gadrian thone coccel byrthenmaelum, and awurpan into dham unadwaescendlicum fyre.

  42. Gif aenig ['o]ga is to ondraedenne, thonne is se to ondraedenne the naenne ende naefdh.

  43. In the ende one of them was drunke, which had beene aboord of our ship all the time that we had beene there: and that was strange to them; for they could not tell how to take it.

  44. He also builded the Guildehalle chappell, and increased a great parte of the east ende of the said halle, beside many other good workes.

  45. He also buylded a great part of the east ende of the Guildhall, besyde many other good workes that I knowe not.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ende" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.