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Example sentences for "endarteritis"

Lexicographically close words:
end; endanger; endangered; endangering; endangers; ende; endear; endeared; endearing; endearment
  1. Sooner or later, in most instances of this disease, whether hypertension, chronic endarteritis or interstitial nephritis or any combination of these conditions is most in evidence, the heart will hypertrophy.

  2. If the thickening of the walls of the smaller vessels advances, their caliber is diminished, and there may even be complete obstruction (endarteritis obliterans).

  3. If it occurs later in life it generally is associated with aortic narrowing, and is a part of the general endarteritis and perhaps atheroma of the aorta.

  4. If this chronic endocarditis develops with a general arteriosclerosis, the wine inflammation soon occurs in the aorta, and, following the endarteritis in the aorta, atheromatous deposits may also occur there.

  5. The main arteries are narrowed by hyperplastic endarteritis followed by thrombosis, and similar changes are found in the veins.

  6. The inflammation associated with syphilis results in thickening of the tunica intima, whereby the lumen of the vessel becomes narrowed, or even obliterated--endarteritis obliterans.

  7. Such dilatations are usually due to chronic endarteritis and atheroma.

  8. Chronic endarteritis is fruitful in the production of thrombus and atheroma.

  9. Reference has already been made to the occurrence of obliterating endarteritis in the thickened edges and floor of gastric ulcer, where it is doubtless secondary.

  10. In one case of gastric ulcer I found a widespread obliterating endarteritis affecting small and medium-sized arteries in many parts of the body, including the stomach.

  11. A small proportion of cases of ulcer has been associated also with other diseases in which the arteries are often abnormal, such as with chronic diffuse nephritis, syphilis, amyloid degeneration, and endarteritis obliterans.

  12. In my case of obliterating endarteritis just referred to there was a small aneurism in the floor of the ulcer.

  13. Another and very rare condition in which chronic endarteritis was the only constant finding is the disease described by S.

  14. There is also obliterating endarteritis of the smaller vessels.

  15. These scattered areas are the result of obliterating endarteritis of renal arteries here and there with consequent anemia, death of cells, and replacement by fibrous tissue.

  16. Endarteritis deformans is a term applied to the condition of the arteries as a result of irregular thickenings and deposits of lime salts in the walls.

  17. Such a deposition of layer upon layer of cells in an arteriole and the resulting fibrosis leads to the condition of disappearance of the lumen of the vessel, endarteritis obliterans.

  18. Local or Peripheral= When the arteriosclerosis in the peripheral arteries reaches a stage where endarteritis obliterans supervenes, there is usually no chance for a compensatory or collateral circulation to be established.

  19. This obliterating endarteritis is not, of course, due alone to syphilis.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endarteritis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.