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Example sentences for "dualist"

Lexicographically close words:
duabus; duad; duae; dual; dualism; dualistic; dualities; duality; duan; duarum
  1. The Credentes, who were probably not fully initiated into the Dualist doctrines of their superiors, looked to them for salvation through the laying-on of hands according to the system of the Manicheans.

  2. Animism or polydemonism—Formation of the dualist conception of spirit—Social relations with spirits.

  3. Nevertheless, the theologians and dualist philosophers pronounced it to be a materialistic invention; even scientists, to whom the facts should be known, have sought to deny them.

  4. On the other hand, the dualist or vitalist philosophy of nature affirms that unconscious forces are only at work in the inorganic world, and that we find conscious, purposive, or final causes in organic nature.

  5. The facts of embryology have so great and obvious a significance in this connection that even in recent years dualist and teleological philosophers have tried to rid themselves of them by simply denying them.

  6. The dualist idea and a complete rejection of the Old Testament were leading Manichean doctrines.

  7. The dualist heresy cropped out in the north of France, but after the XII century was confined more or less to Languedoc, where the Visigoths' Arian beliefs had prepared the soil.

  8. The dualist may maintain that we have a direct knowledge of matter and of mind, and he may content himself with such a statement, doing little to make clear what we mean by matter and by mind.

  9. On the other hand, the dualist may attempt to make clear, through philosophical reflection, what we mean by the matter and mind which experience seems to give us.

  10. Whether he be a realist or an idealist, a dualist or a monist, he should, as chemist or physicist, treat the same sort of facts in the same sort of a way.

  11. The dualist metaphysic has rightly said that the mechanical philosophy does not discover the inner causes of these movements.

  12. The prejudice against theoretical materialism (or materialistic monism) which still prevails so much is partly due to its rejection of the three central dogmas of dualist metaphysics, and partly to a confusion of it with hedonism.

  13. But while recognizing his extraordinary genius, we must not be blind to the glaring contradictions and defects of his dualist system.

  14. If Immanuel Kant had studied it and had visited the asylum wards for a few months, he would certainly have escaped the dualist errors of his philosophy.

  15. The great authority which Kant's dualist philosophy obtained is largely owing to the fact that he subordinated pure reason to practical reason.

  16. Its chief leader, Schleiermacher, of Berlin, though an admirer of Plato and his dualist metaphysics, approached very close to modern pantheism.

  17. But clear signs of the decay of the dualist and of the growth of an extreme nationalist Magyar spirit were already visible.

  18. This reproach has been made to the transformism of Lamarck and Darwin, as it had been to the previous systems of Kant and Laplace; there are a number of dualist philosophers who lay great stress on it.

  19. The truth of pantheism lies in its destruction of the dualist antithesis of God and the world, in its recognition that the world exists in virtue of its own inherent forces.

  20. Philosophy originated out of the belief in a dualist contrast between God and the world, between body and soul, between the flesh and the spirit, between brain and senses, between thinking and being, between the general and the concrete.

  21. This economic revolution is the conclusion of the long period of class antagonisms and of production of commodities; it carries with it the end of the dualist and supernatural thoughts arising from this source.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dualist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adherent; deist; monotheist; philosopher; theist