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Example sentences for "dualism"

Lexicographically close words:
duabus; duad; duae; dual; dualist; dualistic; dualities; duality; duan
  1. That the same man could have written Uncle Silas and The Quare Gander is yet another proof of the strange dualism of the Irish character.

  2. The reciprocity between the dualism and the unity of the sociological relationship is accordingly shown by the judicial struggle not less than by the war game.

  3. If, however, from these impulses conflict has once broken out, it is in reality the way to remove the dualism and to arrive at some form of unity, even if through annihilation of one of the parties.

  4. Athwart all these classes and compounds of gods, and athwart the theological attempt at constructing a monotheism out of contradictory materials, came that ancient idea of dualism which exists in the myths of the most backward peoples.

  5. In either case, we have here an example of the constant mythical dualism which gives the comparatively good being his perpetual antagonist--the Loki to his Odin, the crow to his eagle-hawk.

  6. The Canon of Changes The Bible of Chinese dualism is the I ching, the Canon of Changes (or Permutations).

  7. We have observed how Chinese dualism became a monism, and how while the monism was established the dualism was retained.

  8. The convenient elasticity of dualism enabled Chang to have as many as seventeen reincarnations, which ranged over a period of some three thousand years.

  9. When we see traces of this inquisitive tendency we find ourselves on the borderland of dualism where the transition is taking place into the realm of monism.

  10. I ching dualism was not, rightly speaking, a cosmogony until Chou Tun-i made it one by the publication of his T'ai chi t'u in the eleventh century A.

  11. The Aristotelian system ends thus like its predecessors, in the unsubdued dualism of matter and form.

  12. But the impossibility of truly overcoming the dualism of his standpoint is the third, and the chief defect of his system.

  13. In New Platonism, the ancient mind made its last and almost despairing attempt at a philosophy which should resolve the dualism between the subjective and the objective.

  14. Dualism is therefore the rock on which it split.

  15. The dualism which formed the chief want of the systems both of Plato and Aristotle, has forced itself upon our attention at every step.

  16. In this way organic nature appears only as a higher stage of the inorganic; the very same dualism which is seen in magnetic polarity, electrical phenomena, and chemical differences, displays itself also in the organic world.

  17. It is only the Agnostic[185] who will here offer the dilemma of Dualism or Pantheism, and try to force the mystic to accept the second alternative.

  18. The dualism of natural and supernatural thus allows men to claim independent merit, while the interventions of God are arbitrary and unaccountable.

  19. The unscriptural[228] and unphilosophical cleft between natural and supernatural introduces a more intractable dualism than that of Origen.

  20. Footnote 70: The intense moral dualism of St. John has been felt by many as a discordant note; and though it is not closely connected with his Mysticism, a few words should perhaps be added about it.

  21. The dualism or acosmism of mediƦval thought has seldom found a harsher expression.

  22. Such is the dualism in the world, which must be harmonized; but in the individual also there is another dualism which has to be harmonized.

  23. Next we behold an image, or rather two sets of images, of the grand dualism of existence.

  24. The grand dualism of the world is clearly suggested: Appearance and Substance, the Transitory and the Eternal, that which seems and that which is.

  25. The dualism of the Book we may say, is now doubled, and transformed into the middle one of the three grand trials or exploits which the Hero has to pass through.

  26. The two sides, divine and human, must be made one; the grand dualism between heaven and earth must be overcome in the deed of the hero, as well as in the thought of the reader.

  27. Of this dualism Greece would furnish many striking illustrations, whereof the difference between Athena and Sparta is the best known.

  28. Is it not manifest that we have passed out of dualism into unity, out of strife into harmony?

  29. That is, the dualism or separation is as yet implicit; but in the second stage (that of Scylla and Charybdis) it will become explicit with decided emphasis.

  30. Hence the thought of Scylla and Charybdis has passed into the literature of the world, nay into the proverbs of the people, to express the peril of one-sidedness, as well as the inherent dualism in all conduct.

  31. Upon his fragment of wood he floats back to Scylla and Charybdis; he falls into the old dualism in one of its phases, for he cannot stay upon the Island of the Sun, the place of unity and rest and light.

  32. But as it is the antecedent trouble in the Greek army, a dualism which this army brings with itself in its leaders, we may reasonably put it somewhere towards the beginning.

  33. The grand dualism between the mortal and the immortal is fused into a living narrative and makes the warp and woof of Homeric poesy.

  34. Such is the grand Return of Menelaus out of struggle and dualism into peace and reconciliation with himself and the world, barring certain painful memories.

  35. Such is indeed the very dialectic of life, the dualism of existence, which the heroic voyager is to overcome with suffering, with danger, with many penalties.

  36. The search is henceforth for a unity which shall avoid the irresolvable dualism of Descartes, and yet shall allow free play to the principles of individuality and of activity.

  37. But if we continue to look at the matter in this historical way, we shall see that this dualism has always been treated by the successors of such a philosopher, not as a solution, but as a deeper statement of the problem.

  38. The attitude of dualism is thus always necessary, but never final.

  39. It overcomes the absoluteness of the dualism by discovering a common and fundamental unity, and at the same time takes the subject out of the realm of the miraculous.

  40. This dualism is not characteristic (as were the others which we have noted) of Greek thought.

  41. This division is a culmination of the dualism of mind and the world, soul and body, end and means, which we have so frequently noted.

  42. Too often recognition of connection has stopped short at this point; the older dualism of soul and body has been replaced by that of the brain and the rest of the body.

  43. Another dualism is that of activity and passivity in knowing.

  44. The philosophic dualism between man and nature is reflected in the division of studies between the naturalistic and the humanistic with a tendency to reduce the latter to the literary records of the past.

  45. Thus the immediate effect of modern science was to accentuate the dualism of matter and mind, and thereby to establish the physical and the humanistic studies as two disconnected groups.

  46. This separation is the root of the dualism of method and subject matter.

  47. It would be impossible to state adequately the evil results which have flowed from this dualism of mind and body, much less to exaggerate them.

  48. Locke's statements fitted well into the dualism of his day.

  49. Such a brute dualism would be intolerable.

  50. We should never be satisfied with such a brute dualism as this.

  51. Here again the dualism of Jesus Christ's teaching is distinctly recognized.

  52. Dualism proper is not recognizable among the savages of America, Polynesia, Asia, or Africa.

  53. This optimistic point of view, which has no doubt existed in germinal shape among all peoples, appears also in the modified dualism of the Old Testament and the late Jewish and Christian schemes.

  54. Jainism, while differing from its contemporary, Buddhism, in its metaphysical dualism and its asceticism, agreed with it practically in its method of salvation from the ills of life.

  55. It may be doubted whether its attractiveness lay so much in its dualism as in its gnosticism, though the former element maintained itself in some minor Christian sects.

  56. The preceding survey has shown that the theory of dualism has not proved in general acceptable to men.

  57. The least civilized nations had either adopted the Dualism or a mixed religion: while the barbarous tribes knew only a kind of Tao religion as in China,(11) or a fetichism, venerating one or many objects of nature.

  58. We find a fictitious dualism cherished by the lovers of nature in their belief or feeling that nature exerts upon man some spiritual influence.

  59. Such is the high optimism of sentences found even in sacred books which elsewhere mask the dawn of the Dualism which ultimately superseded the harmony of the elemental Powers.

  60. Every bright god had his shadow, so to say; and under the influence of Dualism this shadow attained a distinct existence and personality in the popular imagination.

  61. The early Dualism was developed into Moral Man on one side, and Unmoral Nature on the other.

  62. Dualism is a creed which all superficial appearances attest.

  63. We know from the Jewish historian Josephus that the Essenes clung to an extreme dualism of soul and body, in which, indeed, they agreed with the other religious associations of antiquity.

  64. First of all the extreme dualism of the Persians had impressed a distinctly dual character upon Jewish Monotheism.

  65. It was still more serious that the Gnostics combined with their extreme dualism an outspokenly anti-Jewish character.

  66. The little work from which the above is quoted, is the expression of a deep and pious soul, struggling to master the dualism which fettered his age.

  67. The dominion of Oriental dualism in Europe was absolutely established, and the long night of the Dark Ages had set in.

  68. The dualism of the Middle Ages was derived from Persia.

  69. Dualism thus prepared for in the realms of thought and feeling, spreads in Christian form with irresistible force over the Roman provinces.

  70. This difference is of great practical significance and explains why dualism did not bear the same terrible fruits in its home in the Orient as in the Occident.

  71. Differences between the dualism of Zoroaster and the Christian, 46-48.

  72. But it was peculiarly characteristic of the antagonistic dualism of his nature on the one hand to hurl innuendoes, anathemas (and every kind of mental brickbat that he could lay hold of) at what he called scepticism or unbelief.

  73. It was this unique combination of an apparent dualism (through intense mental concentration) in one divine Monism that gave Mohammed victory over every obstacle.

  74. It has to be confessed that this dualism and lack of intimacy has always operated as a drag and handicap on Christian thought.

  75. This essential dualism of the theistic view has all sorts of collateral consequences.

  76. Or did not the idea of a dualism become confused into a vacillating, contradictory notion of a Power at once good and evil, something inscrutable, unthinkable, but inspiring less confidence than terror?

  77. Whether the philosophical dualism of Zoroaster can be reconciled with his monotheism or not, it is unquestionable that, from a metaphysical standpoint, he has made a profound suggestion in regard to the ultimate nature of reality.

  78. Turning now to his Cosmology, his dualism leads him to bifurcate, as it were, the whole universe into two departments of being--reality i.

  79. Nasafi[150:1] describes a phase of Sufi thought which reverted to the old materialistic dualism of Mani.

  80. Al-Farabi endeavoured to get rid of the dualism between God and matter, by reducing matter to a mere confused perception of the spirit; the Ash`arite denied it altogether, and maintained a thoroughgoing Idealism.

  81. The Shaikh-al-Ishraq combines the objective attitude of Pre-Islamic Persian thinkers with the subjective attitude of his immediate predecessors, and restates the Dualism of Zoroaster in a much more philosophical and spiritualised form.

  82. This victory of Monism over Dualism opens to us a most hopeful prospect of an unending continuation of our moral, as of our intellectual evolution.

  83. The supernaturalism of Dualism leads to a dead, the natural character of Monism to a living, dialectic,--to the dialectic of Becoming.

  84. But all manner of ingenious jugglery is played with the help of the metaphysical dualism implied in the other definition of the terms.

  85. Although in Italy, as in France, the name of Waldenses had become applicable to all heretics, and they were commonly designated by this name, they retained the moderated dualism of the Lombard Cathari.

  86. Altogether the account is hopelessly confused, but we can discern the dualism of a bastard Catharism, and allusions are made to the consolamentum and the sacrament of bread.

  87. For the latter tends to confirm and sanction the dualism in all its obnoxiousness.

  88. For the dualism enables them to do the thinking and planning, while others remain the docile, even if awkward, instruments of execution.

  89. To approach the problem from this point of view is much more hopeful, though infinitely more complex intellectually, than the approach which sets out with a fixed dualism between acquisitive and creative impulses.

  90. To grasp this fact is to have done with the ordinary dualism of means and ends.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dualism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ambiguity; ambivalence; anthropomorphism; atomism; bifurcation; conjugation; dichotomy; doubling; dualism; duplication; duplicity; halving; irony; monotheism; pairing; pantheism; philosophy; pluralism; polarity; polytheism; theism