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Example sentences for "eavesdroppers"

Lexicographically close words:
eaved; eaven; eaves; eavesdrop; eavesdropper; eavesdropping; eavy; eawt; ebb; ebbe
  1. She went close to the front wheel, so that eavesdroppers could not hear, and held her front hair from blowing across her earnest, wind-tanned face while she looked up at him.

  2. He may have been judged hasty in resigning his place; he may have committed himself in expressing his opinions too strongly before strangers, whose true character as spies and eavesdroppers he was too high-minded to suspect.

  3. The more intelligent among the officers had a suspicion that the eavesdroppers had been hoaxed, but they were powerless to stop the spreading of the reports, which grew in horror as they passed from mouth to mouth.

  4. It was not, and the eavesdroppers stepped softly out into the big wareroom.

  5. The eavesdroppers bent, looking into the office.

  6. Another of these microphone eavesdroppers told me of a conversation last night in your own apartment, Mrs. Brainard.

  7. It must have been at Ramblethorne's instigation; yet why had not the spy knocked the pair of luckless eavesdroppers over the head and tumbled them into the sea?

  8. Although he verbally deprecated his subordinate's alarm when the lads accidentally dislodged a stone from the tower, it was merely to disarm possible eavesdroppers of any suspicion that their presence was suspected.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eavesdroppers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.