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Example sentences for "egalite"

Lexicographically close words:
eftyr; egad; egale; egalement; egalitarian; egard; egeneto; egg; egged; eggers
  1. Egalite the Father sat playing whist, in his Palais Egalite, at Paris, on the 6th day of this same month of April, when a catchpole entered: Citoyen Egalite is wanted at the Convention Committee!

  2. The brave young Egalite has a most wild Morrow to look for; but now only himself to carry through it.

  3. Iscariot Egalite was hurled in; thou grim De Launay, with thy grim Bastille; whole kindreds and peoples; five millions of mutually destroying Men.

  4. Her beloved Princess she will--leave here, with the Prince Chartres Egalite her Brother.

  5. Philippe Egalite says, in his soul and conscience, No.

  6. The Egalite Family is at the darkest depths of the Nadir.

  7. Brave young Egalite reaches Switzerland and the Genlis Cottage; with a strong crabstick in his hand, a strong heart in his body: his Princedom in now reduced to that.

  8. Far round, all bristles with cannons and armed men: spectators crowding in the rear; d'Orleans Egalite there in cabriolet.

  9. Girondins have moved, Buzot moved long ago, from principle and also from jesuitism, that the whole race of Bourbons should be marched forth from the soil of France; this Prince Egalite to bring up the rear.

  10. The last attempt to reorganize them was the foundation of the Reunion d'amis de l'egalite et de la liberte, in July 1799, which had its headquarters in the Salle du Manege of the Tuileries, and was thus known as the Club du Manege.

  11. He speaks of "cette disposition a la pitie que l'egalite inspire.

  12. Far round, all bristles with cannons and armed men: spectators crowding in the rear; D'Orleans Egalite there in cabriolet.

  13. Men say Dumouriez will have a King; that young D'Orleans Egalite shall be his King.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "egalite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.