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Example sentences for "eliciting"

Lexicographically close words:
elfin; elfish; eli; elicit; elicited; elicits; elided; eligibility; eligible; eligibles
  1. She had chosen Paris to open with, and gave the song with assurance, eliciting especially from the men in the hall the first real applause.

  2. Marian Lane, having shown Delia her pony and her rabbits without eliciting much enthusiasm, now sat and stared at her with politely suppressed scorn for the dull red frock that Vickers had designed for his charge.

  3. I, in the vain hope of eliciting something from this black moving barrel.

  4. And now the silence which had reigned was further broken by the excited cries of the men, given at every thrust they made into the opening, their attack eliciting yells of defiance, oaths, and threats of what would be done directly.

  5. In reading these statements, you will notice jumps, or gaps, where these occur; it indicates a question from me eliciting the statement following.

  6. It was more with the intention of trapping her into a contradiction than of eliciting anything of importance that he continued his questions.

  7. It would have rankled in me more than it did, if I had not regarded myself as eliciting it by being so set apart for her and assigned to her.

  8. Both parties were ready to swear, and, indeed, there was no other means for eliciting the truth, except by putting them on their oath.

  9. In these circumstances it was easy for the district governor to arrive at the truth concerning the field, though he experienced some difficulty in eliciting a confession from the perjured witnesses.

  10. Throwing back the cover, he peered down into the dark and evil-smelling place, and called several times, without eliciting any reply.

  11. The eliciting of these points, hazily, was all Uncle Mo was equal to after so long a colloquy, and Aunt M'riar was not in a condition to tell more.

  12. Ratiocination is a sort of speaking, eliciting something probable from the fact under consideration itself, which being explained and known of itself, confirms itself by its own power and principles.

  13. Huang then went into the garden and threw his arms around her plant, entreating her to come and see him, though without eliciting any response.

  14. The king sent a special summons for him to appear, and asked him many questions about the government of China, to all of which Ma replied in detail, eliciting sighs of admiration from His Majesty.

  15. When the fashionable Mrs. Wilkie returned to her abode late in the evening she found the door closed on her, repeated pulls at the door-bell eliciting no response.

  16. This, as may be supposed, did not prove a ready means of eliciting a confession from the cowardly Grandison.

  17. Upon this point, however, the Prince was firm; and as day after day went by without eliciting the obedience which he had anticipated, the entreaties of the King were exchanged for threats.

  18. She had already got as far as this two or three times without eliciting from her brother-in-law a word good or bad as to the matter which she had at heart.

  19. He replied as in duty bound, and presently by the use of a few dexterous questions succeeded in eliciting from this simple-minded old lady, the few facts necessary to a proper understanding of the situation.

  20. All stopped long enough to insure Mr. Gryce a good view of their faces, and from each and all did Mr. Sylvester succeed in eliciting more or less conversation in response to the questions he chose to put.

  21. But time and free discussion, eliciting the sentiments of the people, and aided by that conciliatory spirit which has ever characterized their course on great emergencies, were relied upon for a satisfactory settlement of the question.

  22. Our only object is to aid in eliciting truth; and our anxiety to do so is proportionate to the difficulty and importance of the subject to which the ensuing letter has reference.

  23. Though I have commenced the debate, it cannot be necessary for me to disclaim the purpose of dictating my own opinion, which is respectfully laid before you with the hope of eliciting those of the House at large.

  24. Or those in charge of operations, offensive and defensive, would make his acquaintance and ask him to dine, always with the object of eliciting useful information.

  25. Active, penetrating, sagacious, more conversant with nature than with books, yet not unacquainted with the labours of others, he succeeded in eliciting order from the chaotic confusion which he found prevailing in his favourite sciences.

  26. I desire to put nothing in the way of your eliciting the whole truth concerning this matter," was his quiet, if somewhat constrained, response.

  27. If it please the Court, therefore, I will withdraw the witness, though by so doing I am forced to yield all hope of eliciting the important fact I had relied upon to rebut the defence.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eliciting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.