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Example sentences for "endometritis"

Lexicographically close words:
endodermal; endogamous; endogamy; endogenous; endogens; endopodite; endorse; endorsed; endorsement; endorsements
  1. Endometritis can be cured only when the uterus is empty.

  2. This condition is more likely to cause abortion than endometritis alone.

  3. The involution of the uterus is slower than in full-term cases, and if infection has occurred there is great likelihood of a chronic endometritis and metritis.

  4. Without hemorrhage endometritis prevents a firm fixation of the ovum, or it may bring about a malposition of the placenta, called placenta praevia.

  5. When the mother has an infectious disease like typhoid, smallpox, cholera, or typhus, the infection may reach the fetus and kill it, or may cause an endometritis with a hemorrhagic tendency.

  6. Endometritis at the decidua may cause hydrorrhoea gravidarum, and the accumulated serous secretions from this source are likely to start uterine contraction.

  7. Hydrorrhoea gravidarum is an intermittent discharge of clear or bloody fluid from a catarrhal endometritis under the decidua.

  8. Acute inflammation or endometritis may attack it.

  9. Chronic endometritis may be the sequela of the acute form, or may be septic in origin, or the result of chronic congestion, acute retroflection or subinvolution following delivery or abortion.

  10. The chief causes are septic endometritis following labour or abortion, gangrene of a myoma, gonorrhoea, tuberculosis and cancer of the uterus; it sometimes follows the specific fevers.

  11. Gonorrhoeal endometritis is an acute form associated with copious purulent discharge and well-marked constitutional disturbance.

  12. The puerperal endometritis following labour is an avoidable disease due to lack of scrupulous aseptic precautions.

  13. Chronic cervical endometritis is where the inflammation affects the membrane of the neck; this has been described under the names of cervical catarrh, cervical leucorrhœa, and endocervicitis.

  14. Chronic endometritis is where the disease has lasted for a long time; some authorities consider it a rare affection, but this is a great error.

  15. Any disease so frequent as acute endometritis must, in the very nature of inflammatory processes, become chronic, in a large proportion of cases.

  16. Endometritis of the body of the womb, in contra-distinction to a partial inflammation, located and confined to the mucous membrane of the neck or cervix of the womb, forms another or third variety of this affection.

  17. Acute endometritis is the most common form; it has also been described under the names of acute uterine leucorrhœa, acute uterine catarrh, and acute internal metritis.

  18. But a chronic endometritis or uterine catarrh may in time involve the vagina in a vaginal catarrh and this may induce a prolapse.

  19. D i o v i b u r n i a internally, a teaspoonful every 3 hours will rarely fail to cure endometritis in a few days.

  20. Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining membrane of the womb, with a tendency to extend to the lining membrane of the fallopian tubes and to the peritoneum.

  21. In diphtheritic ulcerations, and in endometritis due to decomposing remains of the ovum, the load condition is often complicated by the invasion of the neighboring tissues.

  22. In diphtheritic endometritis the gangrenous process may attack the muscular tissue, and give rise to losses of muscular substance--a condition known as necrotic endometritis or putrescence of the uterus.

  23. A diphtheritic conjunctivitis, enteritis, cystitis, and endometritis are recognized.

  24. Cases of catarrhal endometritis due to errors of diet and exposure.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endometritis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.