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Example sentences for "endogamy"

Lexicographically close words:
endochrome; endocrine; endoderm; endodermal; endogamous; endogenous; endogens; endometritis; endopodite; endorse
  1. But really 'exogamy is the law prohibiting marriage between persons of the same blood or stock as incest--often under pain of death--and endogamy is the law prohibiting marriage except between persons of the same blood or stock.

  2. To be sinful, endogamy within the group must have offended some superstitious belief, perhaps the belief in the totem, with its tabu.

  3. The Ostiaks regard endogamy (marriage within the clan) as a crime, as do the Yakuts of Siberia.

  4. The aversion to marriage with relatives has left its impress on our present-day legislation, not so much, indeed, in the positive form of exogamy, as in the negative form which forbids endogamy within certain limits.

  5. Though these natural instincts were less potent in early times than in later culture, they may not have been entirely inoperative in the development from original endogamy to exogamy.

  6. For the coexistence of clan-exogamy and tribal endogamy means, under normal conditions, a tendency toward peace within the tribe.

  7. He goes even farther, declaring that among a variety of tribes, belonging to "one and the same original stock," endogamy and exogamy are found existing side by side.

  8. Exogamy prohibits marriage between persons who are so nearly related that they have no legal independence of each other; endogamy prohibits the marriage of persons whose legal status is too remote from each other.

  9. Furthermore, among tribes not differing much from one another in strength, endogamy and exogamy may coexist.

  10. In the same way, exogamy will arise between clans; and the co-existence of endogamy and exogamy seems to be consistently explained by this theory.

  11. Except among the Mowasis, who usually marry in their own subcaste, the rule of endogamy is not strictly observed.

  12. There is no strict endogamy within the Khond tribe.

  13. There are many reasons why endogamy seems more primitive than exogamy, and it required force of interest, superstition, or vanity to carry a society over from the former to the latter.

  14. All tribes in their status who refuse to practice endogamy have a peculiar problem to deal with.

  15. Endogamy and exogamy are forms of the mores in which one of these policies has been adopted to the exclusion of the other.

  16. On the other hand, endogamy is both cause and effect of weakness and proceeds with decline.

  17. This will not be unexpected when it is remembered that endogamy is the prime law of most Hindu castes; and this, too, in a land where immorality and adultery are so prevalent.

  18. And many Dravidian castes which are identified with this cult have the striking peculiarity of being exogamous as contrasted with the endogamy of the Aryan section of Hindu castes.

  19. In respect to this character, ethnogamy corresponds fairly with the endogamy of McLennan, Spencer, and others, i.

  20. Endogamy and regulated polyandry, though frequent, I regard as exceptional, and as not entering into the normal progress of development.

  21. Instead of endogamy we might, after some explanations, have used the word caste.

  22. But as Mr M'Lennan is as much constrained to choose between exogamy and endogamy as was Mons.

  23. In people living in small communities, endogamy does not appear to have ever existed.

  24. Endogamy and exogamy do not form such an absolute contrast as at first sight might appear.

  25. Sometimes an endogamy of religious origin is met with, among the Jews for example.

  26. In this way custom produces endogamy of caste and class among the same people.

  27. Endogamy generally exists where the clan life is little developed, and where relatives know and see little of each other.

  28. There is no evidence of the practice of endogamy which is so widespread among the Oceanic peoples.

  29. The essential characteristics of all castes, persisting amid every change of form, are endogamy within themselves and the regulation forbidding them to come into contact one with another and partake of food together (Senart).

  30. Endogamy within the limits of the caste implies, as a corollary, exogamy among the sections of the caste.

  31. There is in this case exogamy in relation to the clan and endogamy in relation to the tribe.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endogamy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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