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Example sentences for "enharmonic"

Lexicographically close words:
enhanced; enhancement; enhancer; enhances; enhancing; enhavas; enheartened; enigma; enigmas; enigmatic
  1. Thus a modulation from D flat to E major looks violently enharmonic on paper, as in the first movement of Beethoven's Sonata, Op.

  2. In an enharmonic modulation, two chords differing by an enharmonic quantity are treated as identical.

  3. The reality of an enharmonic modulation can be easily tested by transporting the passage a semitone.

  4. A similar enharmonic circle progressing in major 3rds is of frequent occurrence and of very rich effect.

  5. The modern harp with double action is the only instrument with fixed tones, not determined by the ear or touch of the performer, which has separate notes for naturals, sharps and flats, giving it an enharmonic compass.

  6. And this brings us to the only remaining subjects of importance in the science and art of harmony, namely, those of the tempered scale, enharmonic ambiguity and just intonation.

  7. Not every progression of chords which is, so to speak, spelt enharmonically is an enharmonic modulation in itself.

  8. Melodies involving chromatic or enharmonic writing are much less suitable to the character of brass instruments.

  9. Enharmonic glissando in the strings should also be mentioned.

  10. In all of them a delicate and tasteful accompaniment, a rich and bold harmonic treatment--I need only mention the effective enharmonic changes in the andante of the B flat major sonata (454 K.

  11. The harmonic treatment, and more especially the enharmonic changes, are of extraordinary beauty and depth, and occasion remarkable effects of suspense and climax.

  12. The common scale of Olympus remained, a double trichord which had served as the scaffolding for the enharmonic varieties.

  13. The enharmonic mode is an artistic conception, and therefore execution in it has a specially severe dignity and distinction.

  14. What is called lichanos in the enharmonic is at the interval of a semitone from hypate; but when shifted to the chromatic, it goes two semitones away; and in the diatonic it is at an interval of three semitones from hypate.

  15. Beginning with the bottom range, let the arrangement be as described above in the case of a smaller theatre, but on the enharmonic system.

  16. Thus, parhypate, which in the enharmonic is at the interval of half a semitone from hypate, has a semitone interval when transferred to the chromatic.

  17. Klindworth accents the first of the bass triplets, and makes an unnecessary enharmonic change at the sixth and seventh lines.

  18. Von Bulow is the only editor, to my knowledge, who makes an enharmonic key change in this working-out section.

  19. That Chopin may lead to the development and adoption of the new enharmonic scales, the "Homotonic scales," I do not know.

  20. Much wonder and admiration has been wasted on the Enharmonic scale by persons who have missed the true reason for the disappearance of the quarter-tone from our modern musical system.

  21. For the enharmonic scale see note on =194= 7.

  22. The writers of lyric verse cannot vary the melodies of strophe and antistrophe, but whether they adopt enharmonic melodies, or chromatic, or diatonic, in all the strophes and antistrophes the same sequences must be observed.

  23. For the legend runs that he composed melodies in the diatonic, chromatic, and enharmonic styles as antidotes for moods such as anger, fear, sorrow, etc.

  24. The chromatic and enharmonic styles had been abandoned in theory, the portamento which the singers introduced into their chants being the only principle retained.

  25. In the forty-ninth measure begins another chapter, in which we have a series of recitative-like phrases, the most of which end upon diminished chords and contain or suggest enharmonic modulations of extreme modern type.

  26. To be sure, the violinist can make his intervals absolutely correct: he can play the enharmonic scale, which one using any of the instruments with fixed notes cannot do.

  27. This is the enharmonic scale, having twenty-one notes.

  28. Finally we have (6) more recently the Besson enharmonic valve system (fig.

  29. The Lydian is certainly the Lydian Enharmonic species of the pseudo-Euclid; but we can hardly suppose that it existed in practical music.

  30. The genus is either Enharmonic or Chromatic.

  31. The special fitness of the notation for the scales of the Enharmonic genus may be regarded as a further indication of its date.

  32. It may even be that this sense of [Greek: harmonia] was connected with the use for the Enharmonic genus.

  33. But on the other side we have the repeated complaints of Aristoxenus that the earlier theorists confined themselves to Enharmonic octave scales.

  34. In these "Frederick" Sonatas there is as yet no tendency to enharmonic and other surprise modulation such as Bach afterwards displayed.

  35. In the above case the change was merely from the key of tonic major to that of minor; but here the movement is in G minor, and an enharmonic modulation leads to the dominant of B minor, key of the final movement.

  36. The key of the Adagio is E major, but this is of course the enharmonic equivalent of F flat.

  37. Bach was extremely fond of enharmonic transitions,[71] and the same can be said of Beethoven in both his early and his late works.

  38. But the chords are actually enharmonic of D, E sharp, and B.

  39. If the enharmonic C flat were used the chord would then be in its third inversion.

  40. These notes are enharmonic because, though different, they sound the same.

  41. A peculiar style of run through the half notes, properly speaking the enharmonic scales, since every note was produced twice, is greatly admired as something quite her own.

  42. I frequently repeated this test, and indeed with the addition of all manners of difficulties: I extended it to the most divergent keys in which enharmonic changes were required, yet they never became embarrassed.

  43. The enharmonic principle is almost too predominant,--an element that ought never to be more than occasional.

  44. So it is likely that the enharmonic process of Franck led to the strained use of the whole-tone scale (of which we have spoken above) by a further departure from tonality.

  45. This over-stress appears far stronger in the music of Franck's followers, above all in their frequent use of the whole tone "scale" which can have no other rationale than a violent extension of the enharmonic principle.

  46. Sidenote: The Study of the Scales] Do you approve of the study of all the fifteen major scales by piano students, or is the practice of the enharmonic ones unnecessary?

  47. These determine usually the composer's selection in cases of enharmonic identities.

  48. It consisted of an air with variations, crowded with enharmonic passages.

  49. Thus, a violin with a finger-board graduated after this method, like the finger-board of a guitar, would be fit to accompany all instruments which make no difference between the sharp and flat through the enharmonic division.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enharmonic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accidental; chord; chromatic; concord; crotchet; dominant; flat; minim; natural; note; quaver; report; sharp; staccato; tonal; tone; tonic; triad; triplet