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Example sentences for "chromatic"

Lexicographically close words:
christliche; christlichen; chroma; chromate; chromates; chromatin; chromatophores; chrome; chromic; chroming
  1. The great obstacle which long stood in the way of the improvement of refractors was the defect known as "chromatic aberration.

  2. The chromatic behaviour of the semi-extinct Nova, when scrutinised with great refractors, shows its waning light to be distinctly nebular.

  3. The effective discovery of the achromatic telescope was, accordingly, reserved for John Dollond, whose method of correcting at the same time chromatic and spherical aberration was laid before the Royal Society in 1758.

  4. Hues of or near standard chromatic intensity should be used in small quantities and should accentuate the point of concentration.

  5. Likewise each tint and shade is considered to be of its full chromatic intensity, making the left-hand boundary of the rectangle the area of full chroma.

  6. Stains are usually not reduced to below three-fourths chromatic intensity.

  7. As in other stains, nigrosene is added to reduce the full chromatic intensities of the aniline to the proper value and chroma of olive green stain.

  8. Allow the point or area of concentration to have a slightly higher chromatic relation than the other hues.

  9. Red, in Figure 454, reaching its full chromatic intensity at the value High Dark, may be lightened four times before it ultimately arrives at white.

  10. Little by little the old tonalities, based as they were on fixed centres, are slipping away; all the notes of the chromatic scale are acquiring even status; the principles of structure are newborn with every new work.

  11. Tenorina, exactly," said Squire Headlong; and became so impatient to bring the matter to a conclusion, that Mr Chromatic undertook to communicate with his daughter immediately.

  12. Mr Chromatic now requested Miss Caprioletta to favour the company with an air.

  13. Mr Chromatic admitted that there was much justice in these observations, but still maintained the subserviency of poetry to music.

  14. The bombardons possess a chromatic compass of 3-1/2 to 4 octaves.

  15. In order to obtain a complete chromatic scale throughout the compass, there must be, as on the slide-trombone, seven different positions or lengths of tubing available, each having its harmonic series.

  16. In conclusion it may be said that the group of strings, as a melodic element, is able to perform all manner of passages, rapid and interrupted phrases of every description, diatonic or chromatic in character.

  17. In quick passages for stringed instruments long chromatic figures are never suitable; they are difficult to play and sound indistinct and muddled.

  18. Vigourous phrases in the form of a fanfare, although introducing chromatic notes sound singularly beautiful on the brass.

  19. Melodies involving chromatic or enharmonic writing are much less suitable to the character of brass instruments.

  20. The harp is essentially a diatonic instrument, since all chromatic passages depend on the manipulation of the pedals.

  21. If the expensive chromatic drum, permitting instant tuning is rarely met with, still, in the majority of good orchestras, three screw drums are generally to be found.

  22. Footnote 10: A chromatic harp without pedals has now been invented in France (Lyon's system), on which the most abrupt modulations are possible.

  23. Venice soon became to him the paradise of colour, and he rose to heights of chromatic daring which exceeded anything which even he had scaled before.

  24. He certainly will profit by having a rather definite knowledge of chromatic scales, complementary colors, adjacent colors, nuances, and concentric circles as devices which he may use to show how we get the many varied colors.

  25. Wyatt has recently taken out a patent for a double-slide trumpet, which possesses a complete chromatic scale.

  26. By this contrivance a complete chromatic scale can be obtained, and as the determination of the notes it produces is by ear, we have in it the only wind instrument that can compare in accuracy with stringed instruments.

  27. Without such a reform his chromatic music, and notably his Chromatic Fantasia and the Wohltemperirte Clavier, would have been impossible.

  28. And ere I could say a word he had begun the Chromatic Fantasia, smiling faintly.

  29. The Chromatic Fantasia seemed as full of the magnificence of life as that other Fantasia which he had given an hour or so earlier.

  30. Having the same color; connecting parts having the same color, as lines drawn through certain points in experiments on the chromatic effects of polarized light in crystals.

  31. An arrangement of two lenses for a microscope, designed to correct spherical aberration and chromatic dispersion, thus rendering the image of an object more clear and distinct.

  32. After listening to my old-fashioned railings against such chromatic innovations as I have abused, she maintained a thoughtful silence that suggested an absence of conviction.

  33. The rose-gardens and the mixed borders are chromatic records of the varying tastes of generations.

  34. It approximates to a nature which becomes, for the moment, a theatre of chromatic light sensations.

  35. In it are discernible indications of the formal unconventionalities and the chromatic brilliancies which later were to be such dominant qualities in Renoir's work.

  36. In fact his art was composed entirely of minute chromatic planes which, by their complete adaptability to a given position in space, produced the intensest form.

  37. He then began the construction of form by large and crude planes, building his figures with light and dark chromatic blocks.

  38. Such chromatic inconsistencies should have taught artists the necessity of harmony for the sake of perfect order; but the matter was left to personal instinct.

  39. For the chromatic scale see note on =194= 7.

  40. Like other cells it has a cell wall, a cell substance with its linin and fluid portions, a nucleus surrounded by a membrane and containing a reticulum, a nucleolus and chromatic material, and lastly, a centrosome.

  41. Completion of the process of extrusion of the chromatic material; fn shows the two chromosomes retained in the egg forming the female pronucleus.

  42. To prevent this the polar cells are cast out, which reduces the amount of chromatic material.

  43. As these two nucleii finally come together their membranes disappear, and the chromatic material comes to lie freely in the egg, the male and female chromosomes, side by side, but distinct forming the segmentation nucleus.

  44. Nor does there appear to be, in the future history of this egg, any actual fusion of the chromatic material, the male and female chromosomes perhaps always remaining distinct.

  45. For this purpose the chromatic elements collect into threads and split lengthwise.

  46. For this purpose there has been developed the process of sexual union of reproductive cells, which introduces into the offspring chromatic material from two parents.

  47. Nevertheless, it has two defects that tend to impair the accuracy of vision, namely, chromatic and spherical aberration.

  48. Dancing then succeeds, varied by songs from the young ladies, and discharges of chromatic fireworks from the fingers
  49. Mr. Poletiss was still taking his pirate through all sorts of flats and sharps, and chromatic imitations of King George.

  50. The movement is a direct offshoot of the first Impressionism, originated by a group of young painters who admired it and thought of pushing further still its chromatic principles.

  51. His work supplies not only the very basis of the Impressionist movement proper, but of all that has followed it and will follow it in the study of the so-called chromatic laws.

  52. The neck is covered by a finger-board, on which are distributed the twelve or more frets which form nuts at the correct points under the strings on which the fingers must press to obtain the chromatic semitones of the scale.

  53. The tower contains a remarkable peal of bells by Taylor of Loughborough, forming an almost perfect chromatic scale of twenty-one bells; each bell has on it a line from canto 105 of Tennyson's In Memoriam.

  54. The confusion resulting from the unequal refrangibility of the differently coloured rays is said to be due to the chromatic aberration of the lens.

  55. Now it is noteworthy that the chromatic phenomena exhibited with the uncorrected glass lens are quite well shown by the lenses of the eye.

  56. Among the numerous physical defects of the eye none is more remarkable than the absence of means for properly correcting chromatic aberration.

  57. Without going into matters which are dealt with in every elementary text book of optics or general physics, it may be desirable to explain shortly what is meant by the terms chromatic aberration, and achromatism.

  58. How the gliding cantilena in sixths and thirds of the minuet and the serpentining chromatic passages in the last movement of the last-mentioned work must have flattered his inmost soul!

  59. Her diminuendo is the non plus ultra that can be heard; her portamento wonderfully fine; her chromatic scales, especially toward the upper part of her voice, unrivalled.

  60. She sings the chromatic scales and colorature almost more perfectly than the famous flute-player Tulou plays them.

  61. This piece is written throughout in the chromatic style, rarely rises to geniality, but has passages which are distinguished by depth and thoughtful working-out.

  62. It contains nothing notable, except perhaps the descending chromatic successions of chords of the sixth.

  63. The same chromatic principle must certainly exist in a more elaborate form and under a different molecular arrangement in the skin of the abdomen and the wing-cases which will presently replace white by red.

  64. Whereas, in these two cases, there is a profound difference in the distribution of the chromatic materials, is this true of their chemical nature as well?

  65. Here we have paint, the result of the urinary compound laid on the inner surface of the covering, just as the chromatic ingredients of our glass-painters are laid on our stained-glass windows.

  66. In this delicate problem of the insect's colouring, one single point thus far comes within the domain of observed facts: the progressive advance of chromatic evolution.

  67. Johann's were Bach's "Chromatic Fantaisie" and several manuscript pieces of his own.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chromatic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    chromatic; cold; coloring; cool; glowing; harmonious; matching; medley; monochromatic; monochrome; motley; polychromatic; prismatic; rainbow; spectral; tonal; tonic; variegated; warm