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Example sentences for "escapades"

Lexicographically close words:
escallop; escalloped; escallops; escalop; escapade; escape; escaped; escapement; escapements; escapers
  1. So, after a time, she had begun to tell of her own escapades and to try to get Anita to admit that she had had similar adventures.

  2. Tis the infernal irony of things in this absurd world that the good fellows, the bloods, the men of sensibilities must for ever be wrapped up in poor mad escapades and emprises.

  3. From these night escapades he seldom failed to return richer than he went, and it was he who paid the piper with so much of an air of thinking it a privilege, that we had not the heart, even if we had the inclination, to protest.

  4. I pass over escapades in Ripton that shocked one half of the population and convulsed the other half.

  5. Such escapades might, I feared, get wind outside, and cause a scandal.

  6. First to prove Sir Richard a Roman Catholic, and thus fit him to be buried with her, and secondly to whitewash his escapades and insubordination.

  7. Certainly, escapades and practices which would ruin the reputation of any other public man do not seem to bring Disraeli into serious disrepute.

  8. What frolics and escapades they had had together!

  9. When still a very young lad he had entered Le Ber’s service, where later he had shared the games and escapades of du Chesne and his cousins, the young le Moynes, teaching the boys the secrets of woodcraft and the delights of forest life.

  10. Such escapades as those of that terrible old sinner and ancestor of great men, the Reverend Stephen Bachelder, interest him as they never did before.

  11. The young Count indulged in other escapades in the town.

  12. After his many escapades at Chagmouth the girls felt that discipline under a headmaster would be very wholesome for him.

  13. She grew fond of the young scapegrace and covered his escapades as far as possible, so as not to alarm nervous Aunt Nellie, who would have been much perturbed at some of her grandson's reckless performances.

  14. She pointed out the fact, too, that a certain extension bag that had figured before in her son's runaway escapades was missing.

  15. Never before in any of his runaway escapades had he suffered such ignominy and loss.

  16. For almost always Sammy's runaway escapades ended disastrously for him and covered him with ridicule.

  17. The leader of these escapades was a boy of the name of Flagg, utterly without principle or sense of honor; but plausible, and, being quick at his studies, making a fair show with his masters.

  18. Lena was interested now, and, perhaps a trifle uneasy, lest by any possibility some knowledge of Percy's escapades should have come to Miss Trevor and might by her be incautiously betrayed to Colonel and Mrs. Rush.

  19. His application to state affairs was almost constant and very arduous, for which reason these reports of the escapades and adventures of the youthful king are probably wild exaggerations, or mere fables.

  20. Esgrignon always overlooked the escapades of this child, whose reputation was preserved by Chesnel; and he passed away shortly after the downfall of Charles X.

  21. During the second Restoration he returned to Issoudun and became leader of the "Knights of Idlesse" which were addicted to nocturnal escapades more or less agreeable to the inhabitants of the town.

  22. It was chiefly owing to their expensive escapades that their mother's fortune had passed into the coffers of usurers.

  23. He spoke of Rasgadayeff's latest escapades and Clara listened with little bursts of merriment, but their voices did not ring true.

  24. Instead of the darkling escapades that used to distract and worry us, Sigurd became the best of company, in the depths of a winter night.

  25. Their escapades were the top of all adventure,--such orgies of wild joy that I would gladly lie awake again listening for the hoarse bark of our returning prodigal.

  26. He was ready to hear all about her escapades at school now, and hours at a time she talked or read to him, choosing with unerring instinct the tales best suited to his mood.

  27. Then, to break the silence which was growing painful, she plunged into an account of one of the last escapades of her wicked room-mate, whom she pictured as a most fascinating, but a desperately reckless creature.

  28. Many and varied were our escapades in our part of the village, and for years we were seldom seen apart.

  29. These episodes, with a few escapades of that brother of Remedios, who feared Rafael's paunch and bald head more than the wrath of don Matias, were the only distractions in a thoroughly dull existence.

  30. Old Brull made up his mind to tolerate these escapades of his son no longer; and he made him give up his studies.

  31. George is at sea, and, from the accounts of his adventures, the ringleader of a lively crew of harum-scarum middies, whose escapades outrival even the pranks which he and Dick played long ago.

  32. In a short time we became known as the fastest set in college, and our escapades were by no means confined to Cambridge, but were carried on with great impartiality in Boston and the neighboring towns.

  33. The "General" took it and his eye glinted for he perceived that it was addressed to a very well-known member of society whose escapades were notorious.

  34. Captain Dutton received the young prodigal with much kindness, generously ascribing his escapades at the great public school to a boy's natural propensities for fun.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "escapades" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.