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Example sentences for "evere"

Lexicographically close words:
eveques; ever; everblooming; everbody; everchanging; evergreen; evergreens; everich; everiche; everie
  1. And alle the wise that evere were, By aught I kan aspye, Preiseden poverte for best lif, If pacience it folwed, And bothe bettre and blesseder By many fold than richesse.

  2. I ran aboute in youthe, And yaf me naught to lerne, And evere siththe have I be beggere For my foule sleuthe.

  3. And thei that lyve thus hir lif, Mowe lothe the tyme That evere thei were men wroght, 4680 Whan thei shal hennes fare.

  4. For he that is ones a thef Is evere moore in daunger, And, as lawe liketh, To lyve or to deye.

  5. As Salomon dide, and swiche othere That shewed grete wittes; Ac hir werkes, as holy writ seith, Were evere the contrarie.

  6. Worthen uppe and werchen, And bryngen forth barnes, That bastardes men calleth; Or the bak or som boon 4670 He breketh in his youthe, And siththe goon faiten with youre fauntes For evere moore after.

  7. And I am your man, and evere will be by the grace of God, which evere have yow in his kepyng.

  8. His men have told here the falsest tales of Sir William Oldhall and of me that evere I herd speke of.

  9. I submitte me and alle this matier to your good discrecion; and evere gremercy God, and ye, who ever have yow and me in His gracious governance.

  10. And the seconde tyme we came to New Colege, affter we trade declarede your injunctions, we fownde all the gret quadrant court full of the leiffes of Dunce, the wynde blowyng them into evere corner.

  11. And so evere more sithens, he is cleped Prestre John.

  12. And anon as thei ben entred in to the gravely see, thei ben seyn no more; but lost for evere more.

  13. And aftre that, thei kutten his mete, and putten it in his mouthe; for he touchethe no thing ne handlethe nought, but holdethe evere more his hondes before him, upon the table.

  14. This Emperour Prestre John hathe evere more 7 kynges with him, to serve him: and thei departen hire service be certeyn monethes.

  15. And thei answeren alle with o voys, what so evere zee commanden, it schalle be don.

  16. And hire Emperour also, what name that evere behave, thei putten evermore therto Chane.

  17. And the second tyme we came to New Colege, affter we hade declarede your injunctions, we fownde all the gret quadrant court full of the leiffes of Dunce, the wynde blowing them into evere corner.

  18. Thus grante I yow myn hole vois, Ches for ous bothen, I you preie; And what as evere that ye seie, 1830 Riht as ye wole so wol I.

  19. And natheles ful manye wise Befoled have hemself er this, As nou adaies yit it is Among the men and evere was, The stronge is fieblest in this cas.

  20. And thus Phebus in love brenneth, And in his haste aboute renneth, To loke if that he mihte winne; Bot he was evere to beginne, 1710 For evere awei fro him sche fledde, So that he nevere his love spedde.

  21. For whan I of here loves rede, Min Ere with the tale I fede; And with the lust of here histoire Somtime I drawe into memoire Hou sorwe mai noght evere laste; And so comth hope in ate laste, Whan I non other fode knowe.

  22. And thus forthy my final leve I take now for evere more, Withoute makynge any more, Of love and of his dedly hele, Which no phisicien can hele.

  23. And therupon hire herte drowh 1580 To leven Engelond for evere And go wher that sche hadde levere, To Rome, whenne that sche cam: And thus of al the lond sche nam Hir leve, and goth to Rome ayein.

  24. For he with him hath evere fyve Servantz that helpen him to stryve: The ferst of hem Malencolie Is cleped, which in compaignie An hundred times in an houre Wol as an angri beste loure, 30 And noman wot the cause why.

  25. And he him thonketh as he scholde, And seith him that it schal be yolde, If evere he gete his stat ayein, And preide that he wolde him sein If nyh were eny toun for him.

  26. Passyng famous, and of gret reverence, Most desyryd in alle regions; For where that evere shewith here presence, She bryngeth gladnes to citees and to townys.

  27. There were ek trees, with levys fresshe of hewe, Al tyme of the yer ful of frutes lade, Of colour hevenly and evere eliche newe.

  28. In this yere was a gret rydynge fro the tour of London to Westm'; and evere a lord ledde a ladyes bridell.

  29. And if this said bille, after it is devised and made, and sent me a copie of hit, hit shold be to me a singuler confort; for or evere I came to London, I wold that alle thing shuld be made redy to my hande.

  30. The Comons of Kent, as thei werre wo[n]tte, er not all weel disposid, for there is in doyng amongs hem what evere it bee.

  31. Right highe and myghty Prynce, my noble and right good Lord, I beseche the Holy Goste be with yow, and evere more sende yow the accomplishment of youre right noble desires to his plesir and youres.

  32. Remembre the that thou hast be the costlyest childe that evere I hadde, and how that I yaf ye x.

  33. Dean Evere in 1407 provided an endowment for the lights which burned before the shrine.

  34. I wole leve for no thinge What so evere byfalle.

  35. The Soudan gives the Loke, here sorowe be evere newe, prisoners into her Tille that Ferumbras delyu«er»ed be.

  36. Folweth Ekko, that holdeth no silence, But evere answereth at the countretaille; 1190 Beth nat bidaffed for your innocence, But sharply tak on yow the governaille.

  37. Horrour is alwey drede of harm that is to come, and this drede shal evere dwelle in the hertes of hem that been dampned.

  38. And also a man sholde sorwe, namely, for al that evere he hath desired agayn the lawe of god with perfit consentinge of his reson; for ther-of is no doute, that it is deedly sinne in consentinge.

  39. The seconde spece of Envye is Ioye of other mannes harm; and that is proprely lyk to the devel, that evere reioyseth him of mannes harm.

  40. And evere the gretter merite shal he han, that most restreyneth the wikkede eschaufinges of the ordure of this sinne.

  41. Certes, the mercy of god is evere redy to every penitent, and is aboven alle hise werkes.

  42. For wel unnethe is ther any sinne that it ne hath som delyt in itself, save only Envye, that evere hath in itself anguish and sorwe.

  43. This folk taken litel reward of the rydinge of goddes sone of hevene, and of his harneys whan he rood up-on the asse, and ne hadde noon other harneys but the povre clothes of hise disciples; ne we ne rede nat that evere he rood on other beest.

  44. And therefore, in helle is no solas ne no frendshipe, but evere the more fleshly kinredes that been in helle, the more cursinges, the more chydinges, and the more deedly hate ther is among hem.

  45. Therfore been they lykned to the devel, that evere been aboute to maken discord.

  46. That is a vertu, thurgh which a man hath verray knoweleche of him-self, and holdeth of him-self no prys ne deyntee as in regard of hise desertes, consideringe evere his freletee.

  47. But al that ever I have seyd, Soth it me semeth; And al that evere I have wryten Is soth, as I trowe; 1670 And for amendyng of thise men Is most that I write.

  48. The fifte is moder of helthe, A frend in alle fondynges, And for the land evere a leche, A lemman of alle clennesse.

  49. For how hit evere be y-wonne, Bote hit be wel dispended, Worliche wele is wuked thynge To hym that hit kupeth.

  50. Thise thre that I telle of Ben thus to understonde; The wif is oure wikked flessh, That wol noght be chastised; For kynde clyveth on hym evere To contrarie the soule.

  51. For the poore is ay prest To plese the riche, And buxom at hise biddynges, For his broke loves; And boxomnesse and boost Arn evere moore at werre, And either hateth oother 9370 In alle maner werkes.

  52. Ful worthi was he in his lordes werre, war And therto hadde he riden, noman ferre, further As wel in Cristendom as in hethenesse, And evere honoured for his worthinesse.

  53. And if that evere ye schul ben a wyf, shall Foryet not Palamon, the gentil man.

  54. And thoughe there be nevere so moche taken awey there of, on the day, at Morwe it is as fulle azen as evere it was.

  55. And Machomete felle often in the grete sikenesse, that men callen the fallynge evylle: wherfore the lady was fulle sorry, that evere sche toke him to husbonde.

  56. For hem semethe, that whoso evere be meke and paycyent, he is holy and profitable: for thanne thei seyn, he hathe alle vertues in him.

  57. And aftre that, where that evere thei gon, ever more thei cleymen for mynstralle of the grete Chane: and undre that tytle, alle kynges and lordes, cherisschen hem the more with ziftes and alle thing.

  58. For he hathe alweys 3 wifes with him, where that evere he be.

  59. And zif it befalle, that ony of the hoost dye, anon thei putten another in his place; so that the nombre schal evere more ben hool.

  60. And alle tho that ben of his kyn, or pretenden hem to ben his frendes, and thei come not to that feste, thei ben repreved for evere and schamed, and maken gret doel; for nevere aftre schulle thei ben holden as frendes.

  61. And theise weren the first roseres and roses, both white and rede, that evere ony man saughe.

  62. Also a knyght of the temple wooke there; and wyssched a purs evere more fulle of gold: and the lady graunted him.

  63. But this, me semethe, is the moste marveylle, that evere I saughe.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.