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Example sentences for "expository"

Lexicographically close words:
exposing; exposition; expositions; expositor; expositors; expostulate; expostulated; expostulates; expostulating; expostulation
  1. Besides these his 650 Expository Homilies on all the Biblical books and particular sections cover almost the whole of the Old and New Testaments.

  2. Among the 176 Sermones ascribed to him, the discourses expository of the baptismal formula are deserving of special mention.

  3. A book which may be read by all with pleasure and profit, and which, by ministers of all orders, may be taken as a model of one kind of expository teaching.

  4. It consists of an interesting and sympathetic delineation of the prophet's life and character, of a new translation, and of expository remarks, which are partly critical and partly homiletic.

  5. Because of their close adherence to sources and their distinctly expository purpose, the medieval dramatists made little or no distinction between what was suited for the stage and what was not.

  6. In it we discover a firm grasp of Divine truth, marked expository skill, a deeply spiritual and reverent manner of approaching the subject.

  7. Expository Sermons and Outlines on the Old Testament.

  8. For spiritual grasp and insight, for wealth of glowing imagery, and for rare felicity of style, it will hold a first place in this valuable series of expository monographs.

  9. The allegories form the texts of expository sermons.

  10. Secondly, this literature, at least in theory, was interpretative or expository of Scripture.

  11. The expository and speculative books of the priests—the Brahmanas and Upanishads—which are attached to the Vedic hymns, do not help us greatly in accounting for the change.

  12. Jesus and the Resurrection: Expository Chapters on John xx.

  13. Shall we not enter on our expository study full of holy expectation, and with unspeakable desires awake, to receive all things which in that Covenant are ours?

  14. In the critical and expository department of theological literature, much was written during this period, forming no small proportion of the great collection called Critici Sacri.

  15. In the twelfth century, it was extended from a single word to an entire expository sentence.

  16. This same scheme may be used in delivery of expository matter.

  17. Make a list of other kinds of books which are mainly or entirely expository in character.

  18. Develop one of the following topic statements into an expository paragraph by use of examples:-- 1.

  19. Very much of the work done in our schools is of an expository nature.

  20. In shorter histories and biographies, the expository and descriptive matter often displaces the narrative matter to such an extent that the story ceases to be interesting.

  21. Write an expository theme using cause or effect.

  22. The Rabbis therefore concentrated their attention upon "the Mystery," and this contributed largely towards making the expository methods of R.

  23. They employed most of the expository rules of the Tannaite schools.

  24. But if we understand Weiss rightly these laws are only to be considered as a specimen of the whole of the Oral Law, which was believed to emanate, both in its institutional and in its expository part, from the same authority.

  25. Akiba in his somewhat arbitrary method of interpretation, which our author thinks much inferior to the expository rules of R.

  26. It may relate to either local or universal jurisprudence; but if expository can hardly be more than local.

  27. A work of jurisprudence is either expository of what the law is, or censorial, showing what it should be.

  28. The first step in all true expository preaching is the consideration of the words and phrases in order to elicit their full exegetical value.

  29. All that has been a glorious after-thought, and it is solely with an expository purpose and not at all as a tu quoque that these facts of history are here set forth.

  30. An exceedingly good example of the expository preaching to which, much more than ourselves, our Scottish brethren are given.

  31. A lively series of expository and practical homilies on the fifteenth chapter of Luke's Gospel.

  32. KEITH LEASK, The Expository Times says:-- 'It is a right good book and a right true biography.

  33. Next, and (as far as date of collection goes) far less ancient, are the expository texts called the Brahmanas.

  34. Johns, of Cambridge, in the Expository Times, 1896, and by Prof.

  35. More's moral arguments, and Bishop Downham's and many others' expository arguments, are such as I cannot answer.

  36. We can conceive an epic written after the Shakespearian method; that is, one which, while strictly sustaining a narrative, should be profoundly expository in its spirit.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expository" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.