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Example sentences for "ferriage"

Lexicographically close words:
ferret; ferreted; ferreting; ferrets; ferri; ferric; ferricyanide; ferridcyanide; ferrie; ferried
  1. It was noon before it was finished, but in the meantime the caravan was passing by the suspension bridge to the island, and the ferriage by raft commenced, taking four men with loads at one trip.

  2. The ferriage shall then be paid by the owners of the runaways.

  3. The matter of ferriage was a most important item on pioneer roads as indicated by the Act of Congress quoted.

  4. Had not he dealt satisfactorily with all, whether it was in the line of ferriage or in the providing of boats for pleasure-trips up the river?

  5. Have you any change," said Mr. George, "to pay your ferriage back?

  6. If you will tell me what the usual ferriage is, I can then tell you whether we wish to go or not.

  7. The accounts show that the New York ministers paid six guilders for ferriage and six guilders for a carriage from the ferry to Bergen.

  8. Horses and wagons were lifted on to the sail boats, but the ferriage was so expensive that in general the produce and freight was put upon the boats and the teams and wagons left in the stables of the Hudson House.

  9. Abraham Reynolds paid one pound, sixteen shillings to have forty-five bushels of wheat ground and three shillings and six pence for its ferriage across the river.

  10. Colonel Johnson, whose brigade was crossing at Turkey Neck Bend, several miles below Burkesville, was scarcely so well provided with the means of ferriage as myself.

  11. We could not continue the ferriage while this little vixen remained, for one well-directed shot would have sent either of the boats to the bottom.

  12. XII-106] Bell adds that this ferriage money was provided lest the child 'should die young.

  13. Expence at this little Town 2/9--Ferriage a full mile up the River Patuxen 1/.

  14. Even the most prejudiced advocates of the Arkite theory 42 Procopius, in his History of the Gothic War, mentions a curious popular British superstition concerning the ferriage of souls among the neighboring islands at midnight.

  15. The fables about the under world the ferriage over the Styx, poor Tantalus so torturingly mocked, the daughters of Danaus drawing water in sieves all were accredited by the general crowd on one extreme.

  16. Yet the snow-flakes had come, and were thick about them, before the second ferriage had been made, and the wet and ice-clogged boat was lifted out of the water.

  17. By noon, however, the last ferriage was successfully made, and they had repacked and were ready to go on again as soon as they had eaten a "bite.

  18. This storm and the ferriage began a series of mishaps that reached to Fort Stanton in New Mexico, and made the driver swear that 'the grace of God had petered out on the other side of the Arkansaw.

  19. Should the ferryman exceed the legal rates, he was penalized by having to pay to the party aggrieved, the ferriage demanded and ten shillings.

  20. The ferriage in 1705 was seven pence half penny for a man, fifteen pence for man and horse.

  21. In 1705, the Assembly published a list of ferries with corresponding rates of ferriage that crossed the James, York, and Rappahannock Rivers and their branches.

  22. Are our people bound to pay the ferriage on their return?

  23. The ferriage would amount to six dollars, and how he was to raise this sum he was, for a time, at a loss to determine.

  24. The next day his ferriage was paid by the editor of the State Register, John Teesdale.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ferriage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airlift; bearing; carriage; carry; carrying; conveyance; freight; hauling; packing; portage; shipment; shipping; transport; transportation; transshipment; waft