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Example sentences for "fledde"

Lexicographically close words:
fleck; flecked; flecking; flecks; fled; fledge; fledged; fledgeling; fledgling; fledglings
  1. From hir childhede I finde that she fledde 3445 Office of wommen, and to wode she wente; And many a wilde hertes blood she shedde With arwes brode that she to hem sente.

  2. And whan this chanon saugh it wolde nat be, 700 But his yeman wolde telle his privetee, He fledde awey for verray sorwe and shame.

  3. And as sche fledde fro the londe, Neptunus tok hire into honde 180 And kept hire in so sauf a place Fro Polipheme and his manace, That he with al his false Envie Ne mihte atteigne hir compaignie.

  4. This Steward thanne dradde him sore, With al the haste that he mai And fledde awei that same dai, And was exiled out of londe.

  5. Wher sche comende a Leoun syh Into the feld to take his preie, In haste and sche tho fledde aweie, So as fortune scholde falle, For feere and let hire wympel falle Nyh to the welle upon therbage.

  6. And afterward sche knew it so, That Latona for drede fledde Into an Ile, wher sche hedde Hire wombe, which of childe aros.

  7. And this yere the duke of Gloucestre, and therle of Northumberland reisid grete people agein the Scottes, which fledde and wold not bide.

  8. A dayes iourney from thence they met with another nation called Tobosos, who so soone as they beheld the countenance of our people fledde vnto the mountaines, leauing their townes and houses desolate.

  9. The horses fledde from them, either because of their deformed shape, or else because they had neuer seene them.

  10. And by goddes helpe he had victorie And whan the barbaryns y't were comen to helpe guion fawe y'e disconfiture they fledde away/ and guion fledd also in to affricque by shiipp/ and whan he was ther arryued he was sone after stranglid/ These .

  11. And whan I saugh he hadde so, This Ielousye, take us two, I was astoned, and knew no rede, But fledde awey for verrey drede.

  12. The feare of these poore inhabitantes was so greate, that they fledde without respect of the father to the child, or husbande to the Wyfe, or yet eyther of house or goodes.

  13. Pedro de Maluenda seruaunt to Iames Velasques, who was chiefe Stewarde to Naruaez, fledde to the Shippes with all the stuffe that he coulde gette, without any lette of Cortes.

  14. When the Mexicans perceyued their determination, they beganne to prouide euery one for himselfe, for some fledde one way and some another, but the moste wente to the great temple of Idols.

  15. Sandoual combated the towne on the one side, and the townes menne and people with feare fledde vnto Mexico, on the otherside by water: he burned the towne.

  16. Wherevpon incontinent one Pedro de Villalobos a Portingal, and sixe or seuen more fledde vnto Cortes, yea and others wrote vnto him, offeryng themselues to his seruice, if by chauce they should encounter.

  17. But the people of that towne, being many, fledde when they saw the Spaniardes approch neare vnto thë.

  18. He fought with the enemie, and slew but few, for they fledde to the water.

  19. He would gladly also haue apprehended the Lord, but he was one of the first that fledde vnto Mexico.

  20. Cortez demaunded the cause of their comyng thither, they answered to behold and sée so straunge a sight, but why fledde you then (quoth he?

  21. Wyth that the lumbardis fledde away Guy Guy and heraude and terrey pfay Chased after theym gode wone, They slowe and toke many one, The Lumbardis made sory crye.

  22. Then Tarquinius with his children fledde to Cære, a Citie of the Hetrurians.

  23. Tullia in the time of this hurlie burlie, fledde from her house, all the people cursing and crying vengeaunce vpon her.

  24. If presently (quoth Cyrus) you do make as though you fledde from me, and by going to myne enemies, you maye wynne of them great credite.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fledde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.