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Example sentences for "fogging"

Lexicographically close words:
fog; fogey; fogged; fogger; foggiest; foggy; foghorn; fogies; foglie; fogs
  1. He was fogging right along, and seemed as if he looked back every ten rods--I know he spotted me just as I struck the level at the head uh Black Coulee, because he acted different then.

  2. So I kept an eye on these gazabos, and pretty soon I saw the hind fellow turn off the trail and go fogging along behind a little rise.

  3. Every expectant underling, every dirty, petty-fogging scoundrel showed his teeth, opened his vulgar mouth, and sent forth the most nauseous and disgusting ribaldry.

  4. A petty fogging and roguish attorney, who attends the gaols to assist villains in evading justice.

  5. The small transparency, having been fixed, washed and dried, should be edged with black paper to prevent any subsequent fogging of the plate, by the lateral spreading action of the light.

  6. Of all developers it is most free from fogging propensities.

  7. And if that darned ginny don't get too blamed curious and cone fogging over this way--" He spoke the phrase aloud, out of the middle of a mental arrangement of the chance he was taking.

  8. Well, old Jake is fogging along down the coulee--but he ain't to the river yet, not by a long shot!

  9. Damage of this sort by these or any other insect vermin will cause fogging off.

  10. Anything that will kill the spawn or mycelium threads will cause fogging off to overtake every little mushroom that had been attached to these mycelium threads.

  11. Keeping the bed or part of it continuously wet or dry will cause fogging off, so will drip; watering with very cold water is also said to cause it, but this I have not found to be the case.

  12. Pin-holes for preventing fogging are unnecessary when red light is used.

  13. Experiments have shown that the fogging of the photographic plate, during a long exposure, is entirely due to diffuse light from the sky, and is therefore unavoidable.

  14. The observer is therefore in comparative darkness, and not the slightest fogging of the plate, from the red light below, is produced during a four-hours' exposure.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fogging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.