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Example sentences for "foorthwith"

Lexicographically close words:
foor; foorce; foorced; foorth; foorthe; foos; foot; footage; football; footballers
  1. Henrie to go thither with an armie, and foorthwith foloweth himselfe; and comming to Newcastell, where the most part of his complices were assembled, he surprised them yer they could haue time to prouide for their safetie.

  2. John, who foorthwith framed all his indeuours to the accomplishment of his businesse.

  3. For after two yeeres age, they vse them to carrie sackes of Sand, which boweth downe, and weakneth their backes, and the next Summer they are imployed in harrowing, which marreth their pace.

  4. This for a while was hotely onsetted and a reasonable price offered, but (upon what ground I know not) soone cooled againe.

  5. CArew of ancient Carru was, And Carru is a plowe, Romanes the trade, Frenchmen the word, I doe the name auowe.

  6. Now touching the fish, this is the maner: when the Pilcherd Sayners cut the most impayred pieces out of their nets, they are bought for a trifle, and serue to make a lesse Sayne, of fome 30.

  7. Warine, afterwards knighted, tooke to wife Elizabeth, one of the daughters and heires to Iohn Talbot de Castro Ricardi, and on her begat three daughters and heires.

  8. Also that euery one of the fiue partners shall foorthwith call vpon their partners to supply towards this new rigging and victualling, 29 li.

  9. Also that euery one of the fiue partners shall foorthwith bring in 50 li.

  10. Thus hauing landed their forces, they foorthwith marched vnto the royall citie of Tunis, and besieged it.

  11. The French king foorthwith sent his caruer Iohn Hauart, and Iohn Cosinet one of the maisters of his requests to the king of England: and to the duke of Summerset he dispatched Peter de Fonteins the maister of his horsse.

  12. But Leolin nothing dismaied therwith, assembled a greater power than he had before, and began foorthwith to rob and spoile within the English marshes with paganish extremitie.

  13. Which being ceased, foorthwith wee gaue him accesse and audience, but all his talke with vs was about Merchants affaires, and nothing touching ours.

  14. These men therefore after their comming hither, consulted with the other, and foorthwith wholie consented to make a diuision of [Sidenote: 3.

  15. But when the daie light began to shew it selfe somewhat cleere, the beast stamped and snorted, and foorthwith breaking his raine, he ran awaie, and was no more heard of to his knowledge in that countrie.

  16. When the companie saw this, they made no small accompt of their successe, and foorthwith began to practise the like in other mixtures, whereby great varietie of the said stuffe did also insue.

  17. Wherevpon, Barbason perceiuing with whome he had fought, caused the barriers foorthwith to be closed, and withdrew into the citie, and the king returned backe to his campe.

  18. Then the father Costodio sayde, if that which he had spoken came from his heart, that hee would foorthwith depart and goe with him and all his companie.

  19. Our Captaine perceiuing this, least they should wound any of our people with their arrowes, returned backe, and commanded vs immediately to set sayle, and so foorthwith wee departed.

  20. And againe they began to make signes vnto vs, to come foorthwith to our boates, and shewed vs many Oysters of pearles on the top of certaine canes, making signes that they would giue them vs.

  21. And came foorthwith againe, yea, bade vs come a land: Whereof God knowes we were ful faine, when this we vnderstand.

  22. Wherevpon the boates were foorthwith laden with mill, after they had made our men as good cheere as they could deuise.

  23. Then I warned them to bee well aduised what they meant to doe: but they foorthwith replyed, that they were fully aduised already, and that I must graunt them this request.

  24. But when the daie light began to shew it selfe somewhat cléere, the beast stamped and snorted, and foorthwith breaking his raine, he ran awaie, and was no more heard of to his knowledge in that countrie.

  25. So there is a riuer among the Gadarens, wherof if a beast drinke, he foorthwith casteth hoofe, haire, and hornes, if he haue anie.

  26. And Polydor Virgil was with no lesse consideration hereby induced to confesse, that the Ile of Britaine had receiued inhabitants foorthwith after the floud.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foorthwith" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.