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Example sentences for "forelimbs"

Lexicographically close words:
forelady; foreland; forelands; foreleg; forelegs; forelock; forelocks; foreman; foremanship; foremast
  1. Rugosities are present on the posterior edges of the forelimbs in some specimens from throughout the range.

  2. Jerry had time, in the brief flicker, to observe thick bearlike forelimbs holding up a squarish trapdoor fastened with cross-twigs for support.

  3. The gourd swung faster; the mottled pink-white alien creature swayed and wove its forelimbs and thick body in a ritual dance matching the tempo of the arcing gourd.

  4. Forelimbs erupted; larval mouthparts absent; corner of mouth between nostril and eye; transverse bands present on hind limbs; tail greatly reduced (about 8 mm.

  5. A narrow white labial stripe, white anal stripe, and narrow white stripes on the tarsi and outer edges of the forelimbs are invariably present.

  6. Skin of dorsum and ventral surfaces of forelimbs and shanks smooth; that of belly and ventral surfaces of thighs granular.

  7. Skin of dorsum and ventral surfaces of forelimbs and shanks smooth; that of throat, belly, and ventral surfaces of thighs granular.

  8. Skin of dorsum and of ventral surfaces of forelimbs and shanks smooth; that of throat, belly, and ventral surfaces of thighs granular.

  9. Some residents of the South tell of so placing baits that turtles are lured to tread water against an object set with recurved hooks upon which the webbing of the forelimbs are impaled.

  10. According to him, the forelimbs first emerge through the shell and enlarge the opening.

  11. Bats are simply flying mammals, necessarily small, with the bones of the forelimbs light, hollow, and greatly elongated, the middle finger in some cases exceeding the total length of the body.

  12. In all these animals the shape is fishlike, as is required by the fishlike habits; the skin is smooth and usually blackish, or black with white markings; the forelimbs have become paddles and the tail a pair of horizontal flukes.

  13. Though all four develop simultaneously, the hind pair appear first, because the forelimbs are at first hidden by the flap which grew over the gills.

  14. The velvet-clad body is cylindrical, with the forelimbs set well forward opposite the short neck.

  15. Under surfaces of forelimbs bluish cream; ventral surface of tail cream-colored.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forelimbs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.