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Example sentences for "forelock"

Lexicographically close words:
foreland; forelands; foreleg; forelegs; forelimbs; forelocks; foreman; foremanship; foremast; foremen
  1. He almost cried at the sight of this destitute, tottering, honest old man, and before the latter could get farther in his lament another shilling was in his palsied old hand, and the grey old forelock was enduring another tug.

  2. They have not come for you as yet," he said; "so I took time by the forelock and passed the word for breakfast.

  3. At first the black mare was shy of me, but a gentling word or two won her over, and she let me take her by the forelock and lead her deeper into the herd where I could saddle and bridle her in greater safety.

  4. His fair large front, and eye sublime, declar'd Absolute rule; and Hyacinthin Locks Round from his parted forelock manly hung Clustring, but not beneath his Shoulders broad.

  5. And ever after strove in vain To see the Forelock once again.

  6. If you please, your honour," began Billy Waters, pulling his forelock and giving a kick out behind.

  7. The gunner pulled his forelock again, kicked out his left leg, and as he bobbed his head, his pigtail went up and came down again flop between his shoulders as if it were a long knocker.

  8. Billy Waters' pigtail swung round like a pump-handle, as he lumped up and pulled his forelock to his angry officer.

  9. The gunner trotted forward, pulled his forelock and kicked out his right leg behind.

  10. It is most extraordinary how Time will slip away when the catching hold of his forelock depends on ourselves.

  11. He had taken off his cap, and a curly forelock fell over his eyebrows, which gave him a sombre, world-challenging air.

  12. The lofty intellectual forehead had acquired an ugly receding look, because the forelock of genius no longer fell over it.

  13. I get so annoyed at the old forelock that sometimes I feel like pulling it out,” and all unconsciously she repeated the motion, at which they both laughed.

  14. And you have a forelock which bothers your eyes, the same as mine does.

  15. He then submitted directly, touched his forelock to Edward, whom he took for that officer, and went down the ladder; Alfred followed.

  16. They beg for the privilege of pulling the forelock to the bearers of the titles of the men who took their lands from them and turn them to the uses of cattle.

  17. He pulled his forelock as he spoke, and put on the air of a charity-schoolboy.

  18. Eric pulled his forelock after the fashion of a charity school-boy.

  19. Did I not tell you he was taking time by the forelock when he brought the apples?

  20. He is taking time by the forelock and wooing you ere he sees you, and so will take the lead.

  21. His golden forelock exasperated me "And I could do it, too," I snapped.

  22. His forelock was still the only bunch of gray hair on his head, but his face was pitifully wizened.

  23. He was about twenty-four years old, yet his forelock was gray, just his forelock, the rest of his hair being a fine, glossy brown.

  24. His velvet skull-cap, which was always pushed back on his head, exposed to view a forelock of golden hair.

  25. His forelock drooped dankly over his brow; there was stubble on his chin; his eyes were red, like a dog's.

  26. A wooden-legged nigger," said Sam Mason, touching his forelock respectfully at Mole.

  27. He touched his forelock respectfully to Harkaway and ran up stairs.

  28. Then Nedda's perfume began its chemical magic again, and he carefully straightened his jacket and set his forelock in its proper place.

  29. Three geometrical lengths of the head= give: The full height of the horse, reckoned from the forelock to the ground on which he rests, provided that the head be well placed.

  30. One-third of the entire length of the head= (F) gives: The height of its superior part from the summit of the forelock to a line which passes through the most salient points of the orbits.

  31. A head measured from the top of the forelock to the commissure of the lips= (C).

  32. Grasp the forelock with the right hand, palm backward, and pretend to lay the hair down over the right side of the head by passing the hand in that direction.

  33. Grasp the forelock with the right hand, palm backward, pass the hand upward about six inches and hold it in that position a moment.

  34. Nevertheless he opened the letter and pulled his forelock in perturbation as he read it.

  35. Ted pulled his forelock and had nothing to say.

  36. Ted swallowed hard and pulled his forelock in genuine perturbation.

  37. Upon this the man with the Cossack forelock took a slice of bread which the ex-soldier cut from a loaf, with an onion and a pinch of salt.

  38. Touching his forelock again and with a final hitch of his trousers the sailor turned and strolled off with the rolling gait of the true deep-water seaman.

  39. Touching his gray forelock in salute, the man hitched his trousers, squinted one eye and reflectively scratched his head just over his left ear.

  40. His eyes were heavy with sleep, and his wetted forelock fell in a Napoleonic curve.

  41. His stiff black forelock hung straight over his brow.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forelock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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