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Example sentences for "forelegs"

Lexicographically close words:
foreknows; forelady; foreland; forelands; foreleg; forelimbs; forelock; forelocks; foreman; foremanship
  1. Some men say that by the foreleg of a boar one can know how old he is, for he will have as many small pits in the forelegs as he has years, but of this I make no affirmation.

  2. With its shovellike head and broad forelegs the beetle gathers and compacts the material it wants, and begins to roll it, sometimes with the help, more often against the struggles, of another beetle toward a prepared nest-hole.

  3. Color of underparts extends distally on median sides of forelegs to bare foot-soles and on median side of hind legs two-thirds of distance from knee to ankle.

  4. Color of underparts near (12) Mikado Orange in a juvenile, extending distally on posterior sides of forelegs onto inner toes and on hind legs to points between knees and heels.

  5. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs to foot and sometimes over upper sides of toes and on medial sides of hind limbs only to knees.

  6. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs over toes onto antipalmar faces of feet and wrists and on medial sides of hind legs over antiplantar faces of toes.

  7. The forelegs hugged the neck of the pheasant, the body of the weasel was extended in a riding position on the back of the bird and no amount of kicking or rolling dislodged the weasel.

  8. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs onto antipalmar faces of toes, on medial sides of hind legs only to a point between knee and ankle.

  9. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs over toes onto antipalmar faces of feet and sometimes wrists, on medial sides of hind legs only to ankles, but toes sometimes with isolated white markings.

  10. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs over toes onto antipalmar faces of feet and usually all of wrists, on medial sides of hind legs anywhere from knee to tips of toes.

  11. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs over toes onto antipalmar faces of feet and wrists, on medial sides of hind limbs over antiplantar faces of toes and sometimes tarsal region.

  12. Michael abandoned his efforts to kick the grey horse's forelegs into a becoming position, and led him up to me.

  13. A rabbit should be trussed, with the forelegs turned toward the back, and the hind legs forward.

  14. Before cooking, truss the forelegs forward and the hind legs backward.

  15. Then, as Alligator put his forelegs against the chimney and began to lift his horrible head, Jeremiah shut his eyes and jumped.

  16. As for Alligator, he stood with his short forelegs resting on the chimney top, the picture of disappointment.

  17. Smoke bristled and growled, pacing with stiff forelegs round his master.

  18. As Barney tugged at his mitten the shape whirled, forelegs clear of the snow, and Whish!

  19. The dog sniffed condescendingly at the brave little adventurer, who danced away across the floor in mimic fright and then returned as the dog laid down, stretching his forelegs and yawning.

  20. It lay on its side on the slope of a tussock of grass, its hind legs drawn under it, its forelegs raised like the hands of a praying child.

  21. Scruff, seeing this, appeared suddenly on the sideboard with his forelegs in a plate of soup; without moving them, he turned his head, and appeared to accuse the company of his false position.

  22. The creature made a last desperate effort to get off, but with its forelegs over the rocks and head held down between them, it could not stir from the spot.

  23. This being above two feet in height, when the animal had got its forelegs over Wilder checked it to a stand.

  24. And in order that their horses may also benefit by the fires, they dip the right forelegs of the animals in the smoke and flames or in the hot embers, and they rub ashes on the foreheads and between the nostrils of the horses.

  25. The forelegs of one of the animals that had died were cut off a little above the knee, and hung over the fire-place in the kitchen.

  26. He was thin and exhausted, was blind of one eye, had a bad sore back, and one of his forelegs was very much swollen.

  27. The arrow struck the dun horse behind the forelegs and pierced him through.

  28. And while the rain fell, looking through the rain, the boy saw the horse raise himself up on his forelegs and look about.

  29. His mighty head was carried low, almost to the level of his knees, on a neck of colossal strength, which was draped, together with the forelegs down to the knees, in a flowing brown mane tipped with black.

  30. His chief accomplishment, however, was to kneel on his forelegs in the attitude of prayer.

  31. The back of the fetus is directly toward that of the mother, the forelegs are extended back toward the vulva of the mother, and the head rests between them.

  32. The animal still stands with the forelegs wide apart and the elbows turned outward.

  33. The animal stands with the forelegs wide apart to facilitate respiration.

  34. The head, arrested by the brim of the pelvis and already bent back on the neck, is pressed farther with each successive throe until it has passed between the forelegs and lodges beneath the breast bone.

  35. In the pectoral form they may stand with the forelegs wide apart in evident effort to breathe more freely.

  36. In a large, roomy cow with a small calf the latter may pass with one or both forelegs bent back, but this is a very exceptional case, and, as early assistance is the most successful, there should never be delay in hope of such a result.

  37. The bees use their forelegs as arms and hands.

  38. He had dainty forelegs and thin, inconspicuous wings that couldn't be very practical, Maya thought.

  39. All mouth, it seemed to the watchers, as they saw a pair of short forelegs pull the succulent tops of the giant growth into a capacious maw.

  40. It sat erect, its forelegs hung in air, as a hoarse, snarling cry came from the cave.

  41. He reared himself erect, with his forelegs on a wreath of mist and his hind legs on nothing at all.

  42. Without letting go the male stretches out his forelegs in a cross, unbends a little, wagging from head and corselet.

  43. He seizes the female and holds her clamped by his forelegs and genital hooks.

  44. I), with the outstretched forelegs of fig.

  45. Whales have lost the hind limbs altogether and developed the forelegs into fingerless flippers, whilst the tail is provided with "flukes" like the fins of a fish's tail in shape, but horizontal instead of vertical.

  46. He expected her to leap up, but she only stretched out her forelegs lazily and closed her eyes again.

  47. But suddenly his long ears sprang from the horizontal to the vertical, and his forelegs stiffened.

  48. Lay the carcass on the back, a boy holding it upright and keeping the forelegs well apart.

  49. Bend the forelegs under the body, the hind legs forward, and skewer to keep in position.

  50. There he saw Black Bart struggle to regain his feet, vainly, for both of the animal's forelegs seemed paralyzed.

  51. The bear, shot through the spine with an explosive bullet, dropped in a sprawling heap across the bent forelegs of his victim.

  52. Its shoulders and short forelegs were heavily moulded, showing the digger of tunnels, and its forepaws moved with the swift precise facility of hands.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forelegs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.