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Example sentences for "foules"

Lexicographically close words:
fould; foulds; foule; fouled; fouler; foulest; fouling; foull; foully; foulness
  1. I sawe them also eate foules egges rawe, and the yong birdes also that were in the egges.

  2. The winde being contrary, we remayned there three dayes, and there was an innumerable sort of foules of diuers kindes, of which we tooke very many.

  3. And thanne semethe in to the sone, that he is highliche worschipt, whan that many briddes and foules and raveyne comen and eten his fader.

  4. This Ianzu is a noble and great citie, containing 48 Thuman of tributarie fiers, and in it are all kindes of victuals, and great plenty of such beastes, foules and fishes, as Christians doe vsually liue vpon.

  5. And than the preestes casten the gobettes of the flesche; and than the foules eche of hem takethe that he may, and gothe a litille thens and etethe it: and so thei don whils ony pece lastethe of the dede body.

  6. And the fowles of raveyne of alle the contree abouten knowen the custom of long tyme before, and comen fleenge aboyen in the eyr, as egles, gledes, ravenes and othere foules of raveyne, that eten flesche.

  7. And he had also in his gardyn alle maner of foules and of bestes that ony man myghte thenke on, for to have pley or desport to beholde hem.

  8. The flying foules that doo breed about the lakes and riuers are of so great quantitie that there is spent daily, in small villages in that countrie, many thousands, and the greatest sort of them are teales.

  9. The kingly bird that beares Ioves thunder-clap One day did scorne the simple Scarabee*, Proud of his highest service and good hap, That made all other foules his thralls to bee.

  10. But soone the Griffon cam agayn, Of his foules the erth was full; The Pellican he had cast to pull.

  11. But in the first 21 lines of the Parliament of Foules there are only 2 examples of the final -e in the middle of a line, viz.

  12. Suffyseth me to seen your fetheres ynde':-- Thus herde I foules in the morweninge Upon the day of saint Valentyne singe.

  13. But as I wandred in a wro, In a wode besyde a wall, Two foules saw I sitte tho; The falser, foul mote him befall!

  14. Foules may have been borrowed from the present passage, i.

  15. And I shal sone, I hope, a counseyl finde You to delivere, and fro this noyse unbinde; I Iuge, of every folk men shal oon calle To seyn the verdit for you foules alle.

  16. And for these water-foules tho began The goos to speke, and in hir cakelinge She seyde, 'pees!

  17. But first were chosen foules for to singe, As yeer by yere was alwey hir usaunce To singe a roundel at hir departinge, 675 To do Nature honour and plesaunce.

  18. It should be compared with the Complaint of Pity, the first forty lines of the Book of the Duchess, the Parliament of Foules (ll.

  19. The noyse of foules for to ben delivered So loude rong, 'have doon and let us wende!

  20. All these foules are farre thicker clothed with downe and fethers, and haue thicker skinnes then any in England haue: for as that countrey is colder, so nature hath provided a remedie thereunto.

  21. In their iourney they were so ferre Northwards, that they sawe mighty Islands of yce in the sommer season, on which were haukes and other foules to rest themselues being weary of flying ouer farre from the maine.

  22. They sawe also certaine great white foules with red bils and red legs, some what bigger then Herons, which they supposed to be Storkes.

  23. Sidenote: The beasts and foules of the Countrey.

  24. They certainely affirme that in these there groweth a certaine slimie substance, which at the length slipping out of the shell and falling in the sea, becommeth those foules which we call Barnacles.

  25. There are many foules in the Countrey, but the people will not take the paines to take them.

  26. For the space of 15 or 20 dayes we could finde no reliefe but onely foules which wee killed with our pieces, which were cranes and geese: there was no fish but muskles and other shel-fish, which we gathered on the rockes.

  27. Also many pretie fine mats and baskets that they make, and spoones of Elephants teeth very curiously wrought with diuers proportions of foules and beasts made vpon them.

  28. The Parlement of Foules contains references to Dante and a long passage translated from Boccaccio's Teseide; see my notes to that poem in vol.

  29. And God sayd/ let the water bryng forth creatures that move & have lyfe/ & foules for to flee over the erth vnder the fyrmament of heaven.

  30. Growe and multiplye ad fyll the waters of the sees/ & let the foules multiplye vpo the erth.

  31. And God created greate whalles and all maner of creatures that lyve and moue/ which the waters brought forth in their kindes/ ad all maner of federed foules in their kyndes.

  32. And Adam gave names vnto all maner catell/ and vnto the foules of the ayre/ and vnto all maner beastes of the felde.

  33. Thus was destroyed all that was vppo the erth/ both man/ beastes/ wormes and foules of the ayre/ so that they were destroyed from the erth: save Noe was reserved only and they that were wyth hym in the arke.

  34. Growe and multiplye and fyll the erth and subdue it/ and have domynyon over the fysh of the see/ and over the foules of the ayre/ and over all the beastes that move on the erth.

  35. And the sparhauk and other foules of raveyne, whan thei fleen aftre here praye, and take it before men of armes, it is a gode signe: and zif he fayle of takynge his praye, it is an evylle sygne.

  36. There were many other sortes of Foules that our men knowe not, which séemed by theyr beake and talents good to Hauke withal.

  37. There is likewise a foule in the saide countreys called by the same name at this day, and is as much to say in English, as Whitehead, and in trueth the said foules haue white heads.

  38. Between the Isles de la Damoiselle and the Isles of Blanck Sablon there be many Isles and good harbours: and on this coast, there are faulcons and haukes, and certaine foules which seeme to be feasants.

  39. There were also foules called Cormorants, which they had pluckt and made ready to haue dressed, and there we found a wooden spoone of their making.

  40. As our foules therefore haue their seasons, so likewise haue all our sorts of sea fish: whereby it commeth to passe that none, or at the leastwise verie few of them are to be had at all times.

  41. Tyll the day began to sprynge, Foules on trees merely gan synge Delicyous notes on hyght.

  42. Tho the day be-gan~ to spryng, Foules a-Rose and mery gan syng Delicious notys on~ hight.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foules" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.