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Example sentences for "foule"

Lexicographically close words:
fouk; foul; foulard; fould; foulds; fouled; fouler; foules; foulest; fouling
  1. In the sayd towne we did see a certaine foule of the land (whereof there are many in this Island) named in the Italian tongue Vulture.

  2. This foule is very great and hardy, much like an Eagle in the feathers of her wings and backe, but vnder her great feathers she is onely doune, her necke also long and full of doune.

  3. It is a foule that is as big as a Swanne, and it liueth vpon carion.

  4. Then I began to refute that foule error: howbeit my speach did nothing at all preuaile with him: for he could not be perswaded that any soule might remaine without a body.

  5. Call your selfe home therefore and reclayme thys follye, it is to[o] foule to bee admitted, you may not mayntaine it.

  6. He hath Argus eyes to watch him now, I wold wish him beware of his Islington, and such lyke resorts, if now he retourne from his repented lyfe to his old folly, Lord how foule will be his fall.

  7. The riddle is pretie but that it holdes too much of the Cachemphaton or foule speach and may be drawen to a reprobate sence.

  8. Where ye see how she is charged first with a fault, then with a secret sinne, afterward with a foule forfet, last of all with a most cruel & bloudy deede.

  9. It can not be but nigarsdship or neede, Made him attempt this foule and wicked deede: Nigardship not, for alwayes he was free, Nor neede, for who doth not his richesse see?

  10. And in a noble Prince nothing is more decent and welbeseeming his greatnesse than to spare foule speeches, for that breedes hatred, and to let none humble suiters depart out of their presence (as neere as may be) miscontented.

  11. As he that had tolde a long tale before certaine noblewomen of a matter somewhat in honour touching the Sex: Tell me faire Ladies, if the case were your owne, So foule a fault would you haue it be knowen?

  12. To have thee foule still in the night, When I with thee should playe!

  13. Arthur, & sware there by this day, for a litle foule sight and misliking [About Nine Stanzas wanting.

  14. I had rather farre, my lady deare, To have thee foule by daye.

  15. Then bespake him king Arthure, And sware there by this daye; For a little foule sighte and mislikinge, Yee shall not say her naye.

  16. Good housewives now may say; For now foule sluts in dairies, Doe fare as well as they: And though they sweepe their hearths no less 5 Than mayds were wont to doe, Yet who of late for cleaneliness Finds sixe-pence in her shoe?

  17. Noe gentle knighte, nor ladye gay, 25 May pass that castle-walle: But from that foule discurteous knighte, Mishappe will them befalle.

  18. What wight art thou, the ladye sayd, 105 That wilt not speake to mee; Sir, I may chance to ease thy paine, Though I be foule to see.

  19. But here I will make mine avowe, To do her as ill a turne: For an ever I may that foule theefe gette, 155 In a fyre I will her burne.

  20. But thou art neyther like thy Sire nor Damme, But like a foule mishapen Stygmaticke, Mark'd by the Destinies to be auoided, As venome Toades, or Lizards dreadfull stings Rich.

  21. Renowned Prince, how shall Poore Henry liue, Vnlesse thou rescue him from foule dispaire?

  22. Tush man, aboadments must not now affright vs: By faire or foule meanes we must enter in, For hither will our friends repaire to vs Hast.

  23. And all the foule which in his flood did dwell Gan flock about these twaine, that did excell The rest, so far as Cynthia doth shend{28} The lesser stars.

  24. Nay," quod he; "The foule fend, And fals doom and deeth.

  25. Kepen it clene an houre, That I ne soiled it with sighte Or som ydel speche, Or thorugh werk, or thorugh word, Or wille of myn herte, That I ne flobre it foule Fro morwe til even.

  26. The remen«au»nte a-way fast thay flowe, That foule motte hem byfalle!

  27. He was Cristened in þat welle, and bishop Turpin Floreyne the kinge alle him calle, 1480 baptised him, by the He forsoke the foule feende of helle name of Floreyn.

  28. Thenke yat Criste is more myghty 196 Than here fals goddis alle; And he shal geve vs the victorie, And foule shal hem this day bifalle.

  29. Thai hurte him foule and slougħ his hors but his horse being With gauylokes and wyth dartis.

  30. Ye shalle be brente this day er eve, That foule mote yoᶙ befalle!

  31. And because Sarai fared foule with her/ she fled from her.

  32. And all the beastes that are with the whatsoever flesh it be/ both foule and catell and all maner wormes that crepe on the erth/ brynge out with the/ and let them moue/ growe ad multiplye vppon the erth.

  33. Oh sure the Sunne will darken And not behold a deed so foule and monstrous.

  34. But 'twill not carry that opinion with it; 'Twill seeme more foule and come from private malice.

  35. A Lady and a Boy, this hangs wel together, Like snow in harvest, sun-shine and foule weather.

  36. One that findeth his game on the land, an other that putteth vp such foule as keepeth in the water: and of these this is commonlie most vsuall for the net or traine, the other for the hawke, as he dooth shew at large.

  37. Yet Cardan speaking of the second sort, dooth affirme it to be a foule of excellent beautie.

  38. The common people call this foule an erne, but as I am ignorant whither the word eagle and erne doo shew anie difference of sexe, I meane betweene the male and female, so we haue great store of them.

  39. Also of mutton and sea foule dried, that resteth ouer and aboue, which they themselues do spend.

  40. As for egrets, pawpers, and such like, they are dailie brought vnto vs from beyond the sea, as if all the foule of our countrie could not suffice to satisfie our delicate appetites.

  41. It is said that the sparhawke preieth not vpon the foule in the morning that she taketh ouer euen, but as loth to haue double benefit by one seelie foule, dooth let it go to make some shift for it selfe.

  42. Foule weather may much hinder the discharge of the piece, but it is no great impediment to the shot of the Bow.

  43. The seuenth and eighth of August wee had such foule and stormy weather, that fiue ships of our company were separated from vs, whom we saw no more vntill they came to vs before Bantam.

  44. The nineteenth of the same Month wee were separated by foule weather, and the 22.

  45. Bay, but because wee founde no good anker ground, as also being very foule we sayled out againe.

  46. O ladye, this is thy owne true love, As playnlye thou mayest see; And Ile rid thee of that foule paynim, Who partes thy love and thee.

  47. The kyng of Spayne is a foule paynim, And 'leeveth on Mahound, 50 And pitye it were that fayre ladye Shold marrye a heathen hound.

  48. Your castles and your towres, father, Are stronglye built aboute; And therefore of that foule paynim Wee neede not stande in doubte.

  49. Now, dame, that traitor shall be sent 25 Across the salt sea fome: But here I will make thee a band, If ever he come within this land, A foule deathe is his doome.

  50. This courtesie deserues no discouery of so foule a Fact.

  51. And saith yt theire devills can cause foule weather and storms, and soe did at theire meetings.

  52. Who did not condemne these Women vpon this euidence, and hold them guiltie of this so foule and horrible murder?

  53. Roodes of the sayd Elizabeth Sowtherns house, he heard a foule yelling like vnto a great number of Cattes: but what they were, this Examinate cannot tell.

  54. Foule poyson, wherefore hast thou stucke Thyselfe so deepe, to raise so high Things vanishing so suddenly?

  55. In that my sleepe I did descry A Soule departed but lately From that foule body which lay by; Wailing with sighes, and loud did cry.

  56. Then with the losers let it sympathize, For nothing can seeme foule to those that win.

  57. Home without Bootes, And in foule Weather too, How scapes he Agues in the Deuils name?

  58. Then you perceiue the Body of our Kingdome, How foule it is: what ranke Diseases grow, And with what danger, neere the Heart of it?

  59. King Cerberus, and let the Welkin roare: shall wee fall foule for Toyes?

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foule" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.