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Example sentences for "fower"

Lexicographically close words:
fourty; fous; fousand; fout; fovea; fowk; fowks; fowl; fowle; fowlers
  1. My fower boys, they were fine swimmers--all fower!

  2. England, France and Scotland the nineteenth and of Scotland the fower and fiftieth.

  3. England, France and Ireland the nineteenth and Scottland the fower and fiftith.

  4. Fower tenty lads were on the tap, hauldin' the line and mindin' for his signals.

  5. The fower lads stared at ither, an' tried to whilly-wha him to be quiet.

  6. Susan Washfoord was bound to Bernard Humphry, and he undertook "to keep her sufficient meate, drink, and apparell until she come to the age of fower and twenty yeares.

  7. Frõ the bottome of that Parallelipipedon, raise vp, many perpendiculars, in euery of his fower sides.

  8. He tells us that during the "airly pairt" of his residence in America he visited in the States, and that he has seen "fower Preesidents" inaugurated.

  9. Between these two Townes there runes out into the Sea that noated head land called Cape Ann fower miles within the outermost head.

  10. Three or Fower miles Southward of this is ye Towne of New Plymouth whence the Goverment took its Denomination.

  11. Fower miles Westward from Glocester, lyeth on the Sea side a small Towne called Manchester, there is a Sawmill and aboundance of Timber.

  12. Fower or five miles above Mouldon West is a more considerable Towne called Wooburne, they live by ffurnishing the Sea Townes with Provisions as Corne and Flesh, and also they ffurnish the Merchants with such goods to be exported.

  13. Efter fower o'clock" was the invariable hour of combat, and many the time Donald arrived home late for tea through acting as second for the invincible Joak.

  14. Eight gone, madam, and fower sae badly mashed up that I doot if they'll leeve!

  15. I hae sax shillin's, fower pennies, an' a baubeefardin'!

  16. Ah, Lord, how all things become confounded; of young and old and of men and women there remains neither branch nor root; thy nation and thy people and thy wealth are leveled down and destroyed.

  17. Vide his preface wherin he speakes ☞ of haile-stones neer Salisbury as big as a child's fist of three or fower yeeres old.

  18. They was married, and they live fower hundred mile away from any voices but their own and the singing birds.

  19. The fower lads stared at ither, an' tried to whillywha him to be quiet.

  20. Readers to this Society for the future shall bee elected for noe longer terme then fower yeares onely at one time Ord{rd} by the Court that D{r} [E.

  21. At this Court it is ordered that Jones the Waterman shall have for the hier of our barge against the lord Maio{rs} day fower poundꝭ So as it is a large barge will hold the hole lyvery And to worke w{th} 7 or 8 oweis.

  22. It was ordered that Mr. John Enderby (Master 1547)-- shall have the benevolense of the crafte fower marks a yere.

  23. Thursday, fryday and Satturday[313] next following, and every of those fower dayes should be publiquely whipped.

  24. After these fower Knightes in rich apparell with hats and feathers, rapiers and daggers, bootes and spurres, everie one his Lackie attending on him with torch-light, all two by two.

  25. After these fower Barons in velvet cloakes, likewise attended with Lackies and torches.

  26. After these the Prince himselfe in a scholler's gowne and civill hood, with a coronett of laurell about his hat, attended on by fower footmen in suitable liveries with torches.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fower" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.