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Example sentences for "frolick"

Lexicographically close words:
frohe; froid; froide; froidure; frolic; frolicked; frolicking; frolicks; frolicksome; frolics
  1. Thus, by ill conduct, was a merry frolick turned into a penance.

  2. At last I Rambled abroad and then, I met in my Frolick an honest Man; Quoth he my dear Philli I'll give unto thee, Such Pudding you never did see.

  3. All frolick light and wanton She hath her carriage borne: And given thee for a kingly crown To wear a cuckold's horne.

  4. I stood awhile fairly entranced by the prospect, and followed with my eyes every motion and frolick adventure.

  5. Come, we must have ye Lusty again, and frolick man; leave thinking.

  6. Is it not strange, my dear, that Mr Arnold could be so weak as to humour her in the absurd frolick of going with her to such a place?

  7. When one considers such Collections of Companions in past Times, and such as one might name in the present Age, with how much Spleen must a Man needs reflect upon the aukward Gayety of those who affect the Frolick with an ill Grace?

  8. I have heard of some very merry Fellows, among whom the Frolick was started, and passed by a great Majority, that every Man should immediately draw a Tooth; after which they have gone in a Body and smoaked a Cobler.

  9. The Frolick went round all the Athenian Benches.

  10. His Miss the frolick Viscount dreads to toast, Or his third Cure the shallow Templar boast; And the rash Fool who scorn'd the beaten Road, Dares quake at Thunder, and confess his God.

  11. It is not to rid much Ground, or do much Mischief, that should denominate a pleasant Fellow; but that is truly Frolick which is the Play of the Mind, and consists of various and unforced Sallies of Imagination.

  12. Mr. Frolick next day appeared among the gentlemen at their weekly meeting on the bowling-green, and now were seen the effects of a London education.

  13. Thus by ill conduct was a merry frolick turned into a penance.

  14. Frolick for frolick now, it would be a very good humour to Indict this Vintner upon the Statute of 21 Jacob, 26, for endeavouring to personate the Lord Russel's Ghost, on purpose to procure an acknowledgment contrary to his will and consent.

  15. Pinchbacke did begin a frolick to drink out of a glass with a toad in it: he did it without harm.

  16. His levity never leaves his learning behind it; the moralist, the politician, and the critick, mingle their influence even in this airy frolick of genius.

  17. I'll secure you, the Frolick shall go round.

  18. Sure my Lady's Frolick is betray'd, and he comes to make Mischief.

  19. What, the Frolick is to go round, I see, you Women have a happy time on't.

  20. Lord Larkinton led the van up the stairs of the Owl and Ivy Bush, and dashing among the Blinkers, selected their president for his partner; Colonel Frolick patronized the vice; and Sir Frederick Fitzfun made choice of the Rev.

  21. He was so pleased with her Company in the night, that he desired it the next day at a frolick at a Tavern.

  22. As the frolick was mine it's fit that I pay for it and you shall be supply'd with Money to carry you back to your own Country.

  23. He'll be downstairs presently; a has taken another frolick, as he calls it, but if he sticks to it, it will be the best frolick I ever knew un to take.

  24. This young gentleman looks so gallant and gay that I warrant he will ply the hoe with a light and frolick heart.

  25. Island opposite to us today but are so much engaged that we could not spare the time to hunt them but will make a frolick of it when the party return and drive them from these islands.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frolick" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.