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Example sentences for "gaitered"

Lexicographically close words:
gairden; gais; gait; gaited; gaiter; gaiters; gaits; gaja; gaki; gal
  1. Only too glad of an excuse for a plunge, in he dashed, and soon brought the unfortunate miss to shore by one of her gaitered legs.

  2. Then they fled to the side of the old man-servant as fast as their white-gaitered legs would carry them.

  3. On the third floor, Matthews, gaitered and armed, overtook me smiling.

  4. Again he wiped his brow and clasped his gaitered knees with his hands.

  5. More than one gold-rusher, shooting keen glances at her ankles and gray-gaitered calves, affirmed Del Bishop's judgment.

  6. He restlessly tapped his gaitered boots with a stick upon whose gold head was carven the Burton crest.

  7. The Englishman stretched out one gaitered foot and lighted a cigarette.

  8. He would have looked like Death on horseback, swathed in a black mantle, but for the dangling gaitered legs, which spoilt the solemn effect.

  9. A priest astride upon a rough old cob passed me, his hitched-up soutane showing his gaitered legs.

  10. Down the broad sweep of drive they went, the Old Un pouring forth fluent curses with every step, until they came to a powerful automobile from beneath which a pair of neatly gaitered legs protruded.

  11. Unchpin on his gaitered legs clumped towards the stable, and gazed gloomily into the box.

  12. This time, after another roar of artillery fire, the defenders in the grove came pouring back with the black-gaitered men close upon them, intercepting and shooting them down by scores.

  13. I don't know whether you're a friend of mine or not," he said, hands on hips and gaitered legs slightly apart.

  14. Leonard laughed, threw one gaitered leg over the other and held up his hands at her.

  15. The money-lender carefully put his formidable hat upon a table, took a distant chair, pushed his gaitered feet out in front, and laid a large wallet or pocket-book on his lap.

  16. She never let them in, he cried again through his laughter as he stamped on gaitered feet over the gravel of the path.

  17. They were sorted in teams and Mr Deasy came away stepping over wisps of grass with gaitered feet.

  18. He lay then as now spread-eagled on his face, with wide gaitered legs, and hands flung before him.

  19. Their black-gaitered legs seemed to skim the ground.

  20. O to make his teeth meet in their gaitered legs!

  21. All this sort of thing," he stuck out a gaitered calf and smiled, "will have to go.

  22. He was a little black-gaitered object in a scene of the most exquisite and delicate colour.

  23. He stood at the very end of the platform, with his gaitered legs wide apart and his hands folded behind him, staring beyond all visible things.

  24. He was talked of by gaitered farmers at sheep-fairs, by teamsters at cross-roads, by maidens and their sweethearts on Sundays.

  25. The stout, gaitered man took me away into a far country.

  26. I spent a week in torment, and then it occurred to me that this low-born, gaitered person would have been better pleased with my brother.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gaitered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.