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Example sentences for "laughter"

Lexicographically close words:
laughing; laughingly; laughingstock; laughs; laught; laughters; lauish; launa; launch; launched
  1. But what caused irresistible laughter was when a sly hand pressed the head and made it open its mouth wide.

  2. Laughter and dance and song are everywhere.

  3. At last there came a bubble of soft, silvery laughter and the mischievous inquiry,-- "And how should a lady answer?

  4. Presently, the bustle and laughter among the tents of the soldiers near me gave warning that the troop had come in from drill.

  5. Hugh, with a roar of laughter which was loudly echoed by the crowd.

  6. The men were having a good time, securing plenty of beaver, and the camp resounded with laughter at the jokes which were passed around.

  7. The fellows who were looking on screamed with laughter and made fun, greatly to the mortification of Nolan.

  8. Old Joe laid down behind this bowlder and just rolled with laughter to see them going to dig up the grave.

  9. He made another effort, and stood up to take a step or two, with the sick feeling passing off as he once more listened to the laughter of the blacks.

  10. A girl clean and pure, a girl for a man to kneel down to in worship, a girl who, as he had seen her last, was a fairylike creature born of music and soft laughter and starlight, a maid indescribably sweet.

  11. And so she left him, her laughter floating back, taunting him.

  12. The marionette expresses its delight and approval by nods and gestures, to the immense satisfaction of the audience, who join in derisive laughter at the expense of the person held up to ridicule.

  13. The laughter with which he had started to greet what he had thought would be Kirby's extermination had faded to a look of wonder--and fear.

  14. The speaker paused uncertainly as a chorus of raucous laughter came to his ears.

  15. It was the laughter that determined McGuire.

  16. I can hear in the next room from the stifled laughter and the silvery tones of Baby, who is quivering with impatience, and asking leave to come in.

  17. In sign of victory I would tickle him, and then he shuddered, giving vent to the frank and involuntary outburst of laughter of happy childhood.

  18. And he, clad in his long nightgown, his hands lost in the sleeves, would wait with glittering eyes, and ready to break into a fit of laughter for the "three.

  19. My moustache tickles the tip of his nose, and he bursts into a fit of joyous laughter as he throws his head back.

  20. Laughter is the best medicine known to the world for the cure of many diseases that mankind is subject to, and it has been prescribed with success by some of our best practitioners.

  21. She laughed, and her laughter was sweeter than the rippling of silvery fountains, and poisonous with cruel mockery.

  22. Her maddening laughter floated back to him, and foam flew from the warrior's lips.

  23. With a shriek of laughter she leaped back and ran, laughing at him over her white shoulder.

  24. The whole party then mixed with the peasants, and cheerful talking and merry laughter were heard throughout the courtyard.

  25. At last the peasants dispersed, and with loud laughter and cheerful conversation returned to the village.

  26. But beyond the fence, from below in the village, the laughter and cries of children reached him from time to time, the children who had experiences.

  27. It not seldom happened on the open street that a glance, a ringing word, a peal of laughter would strike his very marrow .

  28. The sudden burst of laughter rose up as unexpectedly as a covey of birds startled by a pedestrian in a quiet stubble-field.

  29. Laughter within and the rattle of dishes, the deep voices of men, chatter of women, and the cries of children.

  30. From the other side of the bush Billy's suppressed laughter was heard: "Why Marion!

  31. His laughter was at his own folly: "Fool, it isn't possible.

  32. It was a lively afternoon up at the old farm-house; not for years had the sound of such bright feminine laughter been heard there.

  33. The laughter had struck him like a thunderbolt.

  34. The canaries tried to outsing the laughter of the girls.

  35. She flung her hands above her head and went down in a heap, while shriek after shriek of wild, uncanny laughter echoed in the room.

  36. Then a little ripple of laughter shook her.

  37. Her face was set stonily, and in the grey depths of her eyes there lurked in place of laughter an implacable determination.

  38. Dramatized under the title of "A Gentleman of Leisure," it furnishes hours of laughter to the play-goers.

  39. The habit we allude to, was the indulgence of wild screaming laughter at times when all merriment should be checked; and when the exhibition of levity must proceed from utter disregard of human grief and suffering, or from mental alienation.

  40. Midnight is awake--alive; the streets ring with laughter and with rattling wheels.

  41. A footstep crossed in the room, and, presently afterwards, exclamations of surprise and smothered laughter were heard from the parties.

  42. After a time, however, his laughter ceased, and his troubles came crowding on him again.

  43. I allow his laughter to become quieter, and then I gravely ask him: "And now, Captain, what are you going to do?

  44. This idea makes him twist with laughter for a moment.

  45. And I run away that I may not blow into his face the tempest of laughter that is roaring in my throat.

  46. Thar's ants in that pesky moss," he declared, at which announcement the three boys let out a roar of laughter that made the woods ring.

  47. Rome, instead of that noble fall which marks the ends of great characters, sunk in the midst of stupid superstitions, shameful frauds, and the ironical laughter of a whole nation.

  48. He laughed suddenly, punctuating his laughter with a blow of his fist on the table.

  49. His laughter was the uncontrollable, heart-free laughter of the man who suddenly sees a great joke upon his enemy.

  50. He joined foolishly in the laughter to hide his confusion.

  51. Had they seen the "ol' bum" at that moment their laughter would have been cut short.

  52. He had been beaten, and his irritation showed in his laughter and in the manner in which, after he had taken another big drink of whiskey, he paused in the doorway as he made to leave.

  53. It was the girl's turn to laugh now, her laughter mocking his.

  54. Again the strange impulse to leap to the tortured man's rescue, to kill his tormentor without reckoning the price or what might come after, stirred itself in Reivers' breast, and again he joined in the laughter to pass it off.

  55. His careless laughter came floating back as he made his way swiftly to the stockade.

  56. He heard the bullet from Moir's revolver strike the water behind him in the instant that his hands found MacGregor; heard mocking laughter as he pulled the old man's head above water; then the current whirled him and his burden away.

  57. Over the sound of laughter and shuffling feet rose a voice which drowned the other noises as the roar of a lion drowns the chirping of birds, a voice that rattled the windows in a terrifying rendition of "Jack Hall.

  58. After hearing that horrid laughter they are no longer in doubt.

  59. With a yell of laughter at the coarse sally, the freebooters spring upon their horses.

  60. To exchange speech would only be to tempt a fresh peal of that diabolical laughter yet ringing in their ears.

  61. This last was perhaps as well, for the attackers were so weak with laughter at the sight of a very dignified Turkish general in full regalia crawling from under the gharry that they were in no condition to put up a serious fight.

  62. A merrier party never met, and the house rang with their laughter and their chatter.

  63. She leaned back in her chair and burst into a fit of laughter so natural and so hearty that Clara had to forget her troubles and to join in it.

  64. Clara Walker rippled off into such a merry peal of laughter that he forgot the evil things which he had suffered from the poet, and burst out laughing too.

  65. There was a little scornful laughter at this, and Mr. Wardrop knitted his brows.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "laughter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amusement; cackle; chortle; chuckle; convulsion; crow; derision; frivolity; fun; giggle; glee; guffaw; hilarity; jocularity; jollity; joviality; joy; joyfulness; laugh; laughing; laughter; levity; merriment; mirth; shout; shriek; snicker; snigger; snort; titter