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Example sentences for "vent"

Lexicographically close words:
venons; venos; venosus; venot; venous; venta; ventanas; ventas; vente; vented
  1. If so I pray you not to vent your anger against your friend.

  2. I trust that you are proud enough not to vent your disappointment on Gaston; but if you do, 'tis no matter; I'll find means of consoling him.

  3. Lydie calmly; "I pray you do not vent your displeasure on Lord Eglinton.

  4. Many a poor sould vill bless dis lamp to-nighdt,' he saidt to me, undt den he vent on to tell me dot his son vos a sailor on de China run on a pig tea clipper.

  5. As he gained the side and peered over, he gave vent to what was almost a shout of triumph.

  6. I vent up into der ruins of der lamp, budt oldt man Abbott vos not dere eidder.

  7. You poor boy," she said, drawing his head down and kissing his forehead in that motherly way which all women have toward the men they love until the maternal affection has a chance to vent itself in the right direction.

  8. He mentioned it casually in the cabin to Woywod, and the latter at once found a new object upon which to vent his spleen and to provoke Beekman.

  9. No wonder he climbed again and again the westward bank and levelled his glasses at the dull-hued ridge against the brilliant westward sky, frequently giving vent to loud denunciation of the leaders in the mismanaged campaign.

  10. Felix, whose anger sought vent at least in a few rough words; "I shall tell your aunt.

  11. But latterly he had given greater vent to his thoughts and enlarged upon the plans he had been revolving in his mind.

  12. He was certainly in no pleasant frame of mind, and when he came near he gave vent to his feelings in coarse, brutal language.

  13. And giving vent to her tears, she added, "Do you think my heart is no heart?

  14. And, to make up for this, his enthusiastic nature before long found vent in dancing and in a general life of gallantry.

  15. Prevented by that controlling power from doing violence, Tascheron gave vent to his despair by convulsive jerks which horrified his guardians, and by words and looks which the middle-ages would have attributed to demoniacal possession.

  16. It is a very remarkable fact that in the genera Criodrilus and Alma the vent is dorsal in position instead of being surrounded as in earthworms generally by the last segment of the body.

  17. These facts gain additional significance in my opinion from the fact that among the leeches which are now universally admitted to be allies of the earthworms the same position of the vent is met with.

  18. For they have made up their minds that they have insulted us, although the fear of the consequences prevents their giving vent to their exultation.

  19. At length presumes to vent his satire on The Dean, Tom's honour'd friend and patron.

  20. Resentment on this public foe, Our Nightingale might fit a cage; There let him starve, and vent his rage: Or would they but in fetters bind This enemy of human kind!

  21. As soon as he spied me he gave vent to a joyful "Ba-a!

  22. They stretched out their necks to the longest extent, approached him thus, and gave vent to hissings unutterable by any other creature than a goose.

  23. And the same reason may cause the house martins to lower their voices when they give vent to their little notes of tuneful joy.

  24. As the first faint tinge of dawning day began to broaden in the east, he shook the dew from his wings, and gave vent to a little peevish twitter.

  25. But my uncle sat down upon my poor rook one day, and the bird gave vent to one last "Caw!

  26. To give vent to that sound he opened his mouth wide, clapped his hands on his leather apron, and bent nearly double.

  27. Uncle Jack gave vent to a long whistle that was heard above the crackling wood, the roar of flames carried along by the wind, and the shouts and cries of the excited crowd in the yard.

  28. Pannell gave vent to a most curious sound that was like nothing so much as one that might have been emitted if his forge bellows had suddenly burst.

  29. The men were kept in profound ignorance of the change of plan, but when they discovered that they were retreating their rage and disappointment found vent in the wildest lamentations.

  30. My heart overflows, and I must gie vent to my feelings, or it will break!

  31. They rushed forward in a body, and the foremost flung themselves at his feet, while those behind gave vent to their delight in another ringing shout.

  32. Susan looked with mingled surprise and indignation at the precocious little creature who sat before her giving vent to his opinions as coolly as if he were a middle-aged man.

  33. Ah, how cruel," said Lewis, putting on a most forlorn look, while Emma gave vent to one of her subdued little explosions of laughter.

  34. The army had only its prisoners to vent its displeasure upon, and they certainly did not pet the few hundred Confederate soldiers and “civilian personages” whom they had collected in bondage.

  35. The automobiles are forced to a walking pace, there are so many of them, and they vent their displeasure in a multiform chorus of barking, howling, and hooting.

  36. I felt that the discovery must now be made, and held my breath in momentary expectation of the execration in which he would vent his surprise and disappointment.

  37. Mrs. Coppersley rose, also in a violent rage and quite glad to vent her petty spite on one who could not retaliate.

  38. Now that you think you have the whip hand of me, you vent your spite on one whom you think cannot retaliate.

  39. Pausing for a moment to admire the scene which opened before them, they gave vent to their feelings in eulogies upon the lovely landscape, and words of encouragement to their wives and children.

  40. She did not stop to consider the subject, however, but hastening back to her cabin, she threw herself upon the floor, and gave vent to her overwrought feelings in a flood of tears.

  41. Give vent to joy and command all men to keep silence, to close down their drains and privies with new tiles and to stop their own vent-holes.

  42. Hasten to the Senate, for he will rush there like a tornado to calumniate us all and give vent to his fearful bellowings.

  43. I wonder what You do with this disease, a seed of vipers Spawn'd in Parnassus' pool; whom the world frowns on, And here you vent your poison on the stage.

  44. When it has been kept too long, the parts about the vent have a greenish appearance.

  45. V-wiew for view; vent for went; vite for white; ven for when; vot for what.

  46. The cordiality with which they greet each other gives Dante an opportunity to vent his indignation at the discord existing in Italy: "Ah, slavish Italy!

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    air; airway; aperture; avenue; blow; break; breakout; breathe; channel; chute; clear; confide; cringle; declare; defecate; defend; deliver; deliverance; delivery; deplete; discharge; divulge; door; drain; egress; eliminate; emanation; emergence; emission; emit; empty; escape; estuary; evacuate; evasion; exhaust; exit; express; expression; extrication; extrusion; eye; eyelet; flight; floodgate; flume; freeing; gasket; getaway; give; grommet; guide; harness; hole; issue; keyhole; knothole; leak; leakage; liberation; loop; loophole; loose; manhole; manifest; mouth; nostril; opening; orifice; out; outcome; outlet; pack; parachute; peephole; pigeonhole; pinhole; placket; pore; port; porthole; proclaim; publish; purge; put; release; remove; rescue; reveal; riddance; scour; screech; shaft; sluice; spiracle; spout; state; statement; surfacing; tap; tell; transom; umbrella; unleash; utter; vent; ventilate; ventilator; voice; void; yield

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    vent length; vent lengths; ventral side; ventral surface; ventral view