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Example sentences for "deplete"

Lexicographically close words:
depiction; depicts; depilation; depilatory; depind; depleted; depleting; depletion; deplorable; deplorably
  1. Thus the enfeebled uterus is wrongfully held responsible for general disorder, because it ceases to act, when by acting it would further deplete the blood and thus materially contribute to the already existing chronic decline.

  2. An abundant harvest fills my granaries to overflowing; a bad harvest doesn't deplete them, for I do not sell my surplus for fear that I, too, may have to buy out of a high market.

  3. The farm belonged to an unsettled estate, and was much run down, as little had been done to improve its fertility, and much to deplete it.

  4. It only struck Victoria later that she need not, out of quixotic generosity, deplete her own store, for Holt would gladly give whatever sum she named.

  5. If it continues, its natural consequences must be to check the further immigration to our cities of foreign laborers and to deplete the ranks of those already there.

  6. These obligations are the instruments which ever since we had a gold reserve have been used to deplete it.

  7. Because of the spur of competition in them, sports and games, as now rendered, act as powerful nerve-stimulants that deplete and waste the vital powers.

  8. Because to over-tire an immature faculty is to deplete its vital resources of development.

  9. A family of these great beasts will, while the young ones are growing up, deplete a region of almost every other game animal.

  10. Why, he must be depleted, or he will deplete you.

  11. How to deplete him is a most interesting question?

  12. We mean to deplete all over-grown fortunes; we mean through the taxes to equalize things and make Saturday afternoons pleasant.

  13. He does not deplete himself, for it is manifest to men that paupers in England and America get children as fast as they can; and the clergy applaud and say, "Be fruitful and multiply.

  14. Philip still treated it as a question of conscience, and his letters to the nun breathed continual sorrow at having to deplete his own poverty-stricken subjects to help the Emperor.

  15. At the same time the great abundance of plants upon the lowlying plains with their mild climates, and the marine creatures upon the broad continental platforms, deplete the atmospheric carbon dioxide.

  16. We must have the long vision, and not be scuppered by the fears of those who would deplete our most vital industry .

  17. We cannot at this time of day afford to deplete the ranks of trade and let out the very life-blood in our veins.

  18. It is necessary for industry to deplete the land both of laborers and capital, and, through speculations, transfer all the money of the world into our hands, thereby throwing the Gentiles into the ranks of the proletariat.

  19. The Protocol says: "It is necessary for industry to deplete the Land both of laborers and capital.

  20. In the first place, the taking of anything into the stomach that requires digestion tends to deplete the circulation from other organs (brain in this case) to the stomach.

  21. The author has seen young married couples who had carried their sexual intercourse to such extremes as seriously to deplete the physical vigor and menace the health of both parties.

  22. I attacked my dinner tray as if it was the only food I had seen in days; it is amazing how an emotional strain can deplete one's energy as thoroughly as participating in a rigorous activity.

  23. For a gambler to dream that spades are trumps, means that unfortunate deals will deplete his winnings.

  24. To dream of a model, foretells your social affairs will deplete your purse, and quarrels and regrets will follow.

  25. This time I will only take Sherman with me, as I do not wish to deplete your little force by a single man.

  26. He dared not deplete the little garrison more.

  27. We must have the long vision, and not be scuppered by the fears of those who would deplete our most vital industry.

  28. Mr. Benjamin and Judge Campbell have much to answer for in allowing such men to deplete the South of its specie, plate, etc.

  29. We must both bleed them and deplete their pockets.

  30. They deplete the Confederacy of coin, and sell their goods at 500 per cent.

  31. When the refugees began pouring in she was among the first to ladle out soup and deplete her wardrobe.

  32. Rapid child-bearing would not deplete them more; and it is an intensely ignorant or an intensely stupid or, in the United States, an exceptionally sensual woman who has a larger family than the husband can keep in comfort.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deplete" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absorb; assimilate; blow; clean; clear; consume; decrease; defecate; deplete; depreciate; digest; dissipate; drain; dry; eat; eliminate; empty; erode; evacuate; exhaust; expend; fail; fatigue; finish; gobble; impoverish; ingest; purge; remove; ruin; scour; shrink; spend; squander; swallow; unman; vent; void; waste; wear