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Example sentences for "gambled"

Lexicographically close words:
gambe; gambeson; gambir; gambit; gamble; gambler; gamblers; gambles; gambling; gamboge
  1. You gambled it away to an Indian, didn't you?

  2. Gambled it away, I guess; staked the whole property on the turn-up of a miserable queen of spades, and lost the lot.

  3. There, passing a merry and philanthropic time with new and old familiars, he gambled away, and gave away, and lost his money, and all too soon had none for further travels.

  4. He, who gambled away tens of thousands at one roll of the dice and laughed at it, became more strict and more petty in his business, occasionally dreaming at night about money!

  5. They kept themselves ready for a start whenever there should be symptoms of a discovery, but, in the meantime, he gambled away all that he got into his hands, and never gave her enough to feed the children.

  6. One line will account for this: he gambled on the Bourse with the money intrusted to him by the kept women of his acquaintance.

  7. We've gambled on the hills and in the valleys and on the sea-shore, and out of sight of land--mostly fair.

  8. We gambled on the plains, with a damn lot of cattlemen in ranches; played fair, mind--and then had to fight for our winnings afterwards as often as not.

  9. The Count is a worthless individual; he has gambled away two fortunes.

  10. Sylvia reminded herself that the Wachners must surely have a good deal of money in the house if they gambled as much as Anna Wolsky said they did.

  11. The old raden-aju has gambled them all away.

  12. They kept it up for three days, during which time they gambled with the ranchmen, who got away with all their money; but little they cared for that, as they had their spree.

  13. The returned stock-hunters drank and gambled and fought.

  14. They gambled all the time, and I gambled with them.

  15. But it went--Lew gambled and drank and--so he took me to Little Lost.

  16. Lew took and sold him to Dave, and gambled the money, and Sis never signed no bill of sale.

  17. The dwarf now related how Nefert's brother had gambled away the mummy of his father, how enormous was the sum he had lost, and that degradation must overtake Katuti, and her daughter with her.

  18. Unhappily, my ancestor was a careless sort of person, and gambled the plan away.

  19. I mean that you've realised on some of my securities, gambled on your own account with the proceeds, and lost.

  20. I've gambled with Fischer's money, lost it, forged a transfer of his certificates to meet my liabilities, and I am in his power.

  21. He gambled and drank, interlarded his conversation with oaths, and despised as well as hated the Puritans against whom he fought.

  22. Misfortune did not improve him; he still drank when he had money to do so, gambled for small sums in low taverns with men of his own kind, and quarrelled and fought on the smallest provocation.

  23. A young man having gambled away his last shilling, solicited the loan of a few pounds from one of the proprietors of the hell in which he had been plundered.

  24. He received his two dollars, and gambled on.

  25. They gambled away their all; they gorged themselves like vultures; they danced or played ball naked among the snow-drifts from morning till night.

  26. The thought that he had gambled uselessly his daughter's legacy, the legacy which her mother had left confidingly in his care, filled his soul with the bitterness of gall.

  27. I have gambled away my daughter's fortune.

  28. All we know is that she was a Miss Stella Keane, the daughter of a man who gambled away his fortune at cards and on the race-course.

  29. He had gambled and lost, he was prepared to accept the fate of the unsuccessful gambler.

  30. You should have thought of that before you gambled it away, my son.

  31. It was only natural perhaps, for all of San Francisco gambled now in mining stocks.

  32. Only four remained, and he gambled on them as against the slight chance of recovering any of those others; for that screaming rider was closing in on him all the time.

  33. He has gambled when he has not had money to pay.

  34. You have gambled surely enough for amusement.

  35. He was a prominent dandy in his time, lived fashionably, spent large sums on his clothes, and although he played little at cards, he gambled continually and for large sums on the turf.

  36. If finally expelled, they resorted to secret gin shops kept in the prisoners’ rooms, where they gambled and played at cards half through the night.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gambled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.