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Example sentences for "garnishes"

Lexicographically close words:
garnet; garnets; garni; garnish; garnished; garnishing; garnison; garniture; garnitures; garou
  1. Hundreds of the dishes listed are given with their bill-of-fare names only, as the cooks understand the basic work in preparing dishes, and the sauces and garnishes are treated separately, with information as to their component parts.

  2. The second part is devoted to a choice of 339 recipes which may be substituted for any of those on the daily menus; and instructions for preparing the sauces, garnishes and dressings called for on the menus.

  3. Nasturtiums, parsley, fringed celery or other garnishes may be used with or without the lettuce.

  4. Dainty little puffs filled with different creams may be used for garnishes for desserts, or piled on fancy plates for cakes.

  5. Suitable croquettes or patties may be served on beds of pilau, or on plain boiled rice with gravy, or with macaroni in cream sauce, and some are used as garnishes or accompaniments for true meat dishes.

  6. Individual Daisy SoufflA(C)s= make pretty garnishes for timbales and molds.

  7. The young plants and the tender leaves are often used for garnishes and to add flavor to salads.

  8. Other pretty garnishes which are easily obtained are corn salad, peppergrass, mustard, fennel, and young leaves of carrot.

  9. The moss-curled varieties are far more popular than the other two groups put together and are the only ones used especially as garnishes with meat dishes in the hotels and restaurants of the large cities.

  10. This sauce, which greatly improves as well as garnishes broiled meat, can be mixed and kept for some time in a cool place.

  11. She likes to have the garnishes mirror the seasonings, so if she had, for example, this chicken recipe with basil in it, she'd be apt to garnish it with fresh basil.

  12. She also believes that garnishes should be edible.

  13. The garnishes for turkey or chicken are fried oysters, thin slices of ham, slices of lemon, fried sausages, or force meat balls, also parsley.

  14. To the original version, on the other hand, belong not only the highly indecorous witticisms and allusions with which Mercutio garnishes the first scene of the second act, but also the majority of the speeches in which the conceit-virus rages.

  15. Garnishes should be so arranged as not to interfere with serving.

  16. The garnishes should be of the lightest and freshest kind.

  17. See Dumplings, in "Garnishes and Dumplings for Soups".

  18. The garnishes used for soups are practically the same whether for cream or clear soups.

  19. Of course there are many others, and the number of different ways in which ordinary garnishes can be used effectively is surprisingly large.

  20. A list of garnishes appropriate to different kinds of food appears below.

  21. A basket of fruit, a bright-colored gelatin dessert or attractive garnishes may transform a drab meal into a most interesting one.

  22. A great deal of our food is very neutral in color and admits of a liberal use of garnishes of one kind or another.

  23. The lists of foods and the list of seasonal changes and garnishes contained in this book will save mental effort and tedium in planning by suggesting new combinations and variety.

  24. Wafers, cheese and plain Croutons Olives Radishes Celery hearts Whipped cream (on cream soups) Some meat garnishes can be used at all times; others are especially adapted to certain kinds of meat.

  25. Perhaps the next in popularity of these floating garnishes are profiterolles, or “prophet’s rolls,” as cooks call them.

  26. Foremost among fashionable floating garnishes for soup are the colored custards known as pâte royale; they are perfectly easy to make, yet very effective served in clear bouillon.

  27. In the old time garnishes were few and simple, and when not simple, very ugly, as the camellias cut from turnips and stained with beet juice.

  28. For this reason the subject of garnishes requires to be considered apart from the dishes they adorn.

  29. Garnishes that are merely ornamental need not be so expensively made as those intended for eating.

  30. While aspic jelly is certainly the handsomest of garnishes for cold dishes, it is generally part of the food itself, and should not be so lavishly used that when helped there is more jelly than meat served.

  31. The correct serving of soup is not overlooked; nor are the accompaniments and garnishes so often required to make the soup course of the meal an attractive one.

  32. As it is important, too, for the housewife to know how to prepare the various accompaniments and garnishes that are generally served with soup, directions for the making of these are also given and they follow the soup recipes.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "garnishes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.