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Example sentences for "genral"

Lexicographically close words:
geniuses; genlmn; genocide; genos; genoux; genre; genres; gens; gensdarmes; gent
  1. Shorley I was a wonder to myself, and in genral I found great freedom to speak to the people in my simple way.

  2. I knew he had much enimies, and why, because he was a libral man and a man of powar, and did do much good, and them he did do most good to was his greatest enimyes, and it was such men as him in genral sufferd moste.

  3. Genral Wool wuz made temporary Chairman, to wich honor he responded in a elokent extemporaneous speech, which he read from manuscript.

  4. Genral Wool wuz ez gay and frisky ez though he reely belonged to the last ginerashn.

  5. Genral WOOL wuz made temporary Chairman, to wich honor he responded in a elokent extemporaneous speech, which he read from manuscript.

  6. Buell holdin over em a Fedral flag, and Genral Henry A.

  7. Sich men ez Genral McStinger told me the North woodent fight or I woodent hev, secesht, but I did it.

  8. If yure bo wants tew marry yu, and yu ar enny whar near reddy, it iz a good genral rule tew let him du it.

  9. I kant tell exactly how tew pick out a good hen, but as a genral thing, the long-eared ones, are kounted the best.

  10. Genral Robert Ingersol, seein the destruckshun of Robesons forces, determined to advanse slowly, he had jest scaled the back of my barrycade, and was preparin for a rush, wen his eyes cot site of the title of the book.

  11. The corps on the seelin, under Genral Bludsucker, was ordered to take the inishiativ.

  12. Give us a suck of your bottel, and I'll hie myself thitherward for my nitely game of pennie anty with Genral Grant, who alreddy is awaitin' me behind yonder cloud of Havannah smoke.

  13. The one under Majah Genral Bloodsucker, bein ordered to scale the walls and take a posishun on the ceelin.

  14. Seein the discomfertufe of the Bludsuckers command Genral Robeson advanced, on the dubbel quick, over my N.

  15. Dogs, az a genral thing, are ornamental, and the wodden dog kan be made hily so, after enny pattern or desighn that a kultivated taste may suggest.

  16. But, az a genral consequence, a distrikt skoolmaster hain't got any more warm friends than an old blind fox houn haz.

  17. Az a genral thing, we envy in others, not what we aint got, but what we hav got less than others.

  18. Genral Fighting Cok was adopting der princeeple of der Duke von Cumberland at Fontenoy, when he should adopt sooch plan as that of Marechal Saxe, und keep his troops all togedder, und not cross Dook Lake in two parts.

  19. I have notice in der bapers that der Genral Fighting Cok cross Dook Lake in two parts, the odder day, when he assaulted the Rebel Army von Lee, which was strongly post in entrenchment built especial for dees purpose.

  20. I have not known Genral Fighting Cok in Germany, and I knows not as he is as good Genral as Sigel; so I cannot say as he is sooch goot Genral as Sigel und me.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "genral" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.