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Example sentences for "gneissic"

Lexicographically close words:
gnawings; gnawn; gnaws; gneiss; gneisses; gneissose; gnes; gnier; gnome; gnomelike
  1. When we study the manner in which the gneiss and gneissic rocks disintegrate and break up at the sea-coast or along the flanks of some rugged mountain-glen, we see they give rise to an irregular uneven surface.

  2. As one might have expected, the great majority lie along the outcrop of the gneissic strata, which, as a rule, corresponds pretty closely to the flow of the ice.

  3. Over the surface of the gneissic rocks are scattered numerous basins of Gondwana beds.

  4. The greater part of Bengal is occupied by the alluvial deposits of the Ganges, but in the south-west rises the plateau of Chota Nagpur composed chiefly of gneissic rocks.

  5. It is to this lowermost gneissic group that the term "Archean" may be conveniently limited.

  6. The Mona and Kiticni schists; metamorphosed lava and tuffs, with serpentine and dolomite, probably derived from peridotites; there are also gneissic granites and syenites.

  7. Wherever the Archean rocks have been closely examined two great groups of rocks are distinguishable, an older, schistose group and a younger, granitoid and gneissic group.

  8. Below the Falls, the river, turning to the southeast, pursues its maddened career for twenty-five miles shut in by vertical cliffs of gneissic rock, which rises in places to a height of four hundred feet.

  9. It cleared up a good many points in my mind concerning the gneissic base rocks, the Beacon sand-stone, and the dolerite intrusions.

  10. At the headlands and in irregular spots the gneissic base rock and portions of moraines lie exposed, offering a succession of interesting spots for a visit in search of geological specimens.

  11. In Bavaria and Bohemia there is an ancient gneissic series.

  12. The development of the schistose or gneissic structure is accompanied by the recrystallization of the rock materials, producing new minerals of a platy or columnar type adapted to this parallel arrangement.

  13. Hence all the observations hitherto made tend to show that the gneissic rocks over the whole of this part of the continent have their folia extending generally within almost a point of the compass of the same direction.

  14. At the top of the second terrace we found a little stream which was refreshingly cool, for the quartzose rocks and gneissic boulders were scorching.

  15. The gneissic and Dharwar rocks are overlaid unconformably by the sandstones, limestones, shales, &c.

  16. In Bellary and Anantapur districts, as well as in Mysore and Hyderabad, several long narrow strips of a later formation, known as the Dharwar system, are folded or faulted into the gneissic floor.

  17. By far the greater part of Madras is occupied by granitic and gneissic rocks of very ancient date.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gneissic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.