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Example sentences for "granulate"

Lexicographically close words:
granting; grantit; grantor; grants; granular; granulated; granulating; granulation; granulations; granule
  1. It is the Granulate Brittle-star,[114] a species said to be widely spread, but I never saw it before.

  2. It is stuffed with iodoform gauze, which is changed daily, and the cavity is allowed to granulate up from the bottom.

  3. Most honeys will granulate and become quite hard if exposed to changes of temperature, and to liquefy granulated extracted honey it should be heated in a water bath.

  4. Such honeys are sometimes allowed to granulate in large cans and the semisolid mass is then cut into 1-pound bricks like a butter print and wrapped in paraffin paper.

  5. To form into grains or small masses; as, to granulate powder, sugar, or metal.

  6. Defn: Samples taken for assay from a molten metallic mass pouring a portion into water, to granulate it.

  7. Scape and slender-petioled leaves from a sort of granulate bulb; lobes of leaves linear; corolla with 2 divergent spurs longer than the pedicel; crest of the inner petals minute.

  8. It must then be carefully stirred with the glass rod, in order to granulate the Salt, which must not be kept over the fire till it be perfectly dry; because you run a risk of losing irrecoverably the colour you are seeking.

  9. Trochanter, femur, tibia strongly granulate and sparsely covered with these "saw-like" hairs.

  10. Cephalothorax finely granulate and heavy, simple spine-like hairs placed in a definite order.

  11. The abdomen is finely granulate and at the lower edge of each scutum there are eight heavy, short, simple hairs.

  12. The trochanter, femur and tibia are all granulate and sparsely covered with short, simple hairs.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "granulate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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