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Example sentences for "hairsbreadth"

Lexicographically close words:
hairlike; hairline; hairpin; hairpins; hairs; hairspring; hairst; hairt; hairy; hais
  1. Possibly nationality did count in the long run, though, where love was the consideration, Aletta, for her part, could not understand how nationality should make a hairsbreadth of difference.

  2. It just turned on the merest hairsbreadth of a pressure on the trigger.

  3. XXII Checkmate XXIII Within a Hairsbreadth XXIV Nessa's Downfall XXV A Friend in Need XXVI The Hue and Cry!

  4. I sympathise with Opera Stars who disappoint full houses, because some high C or lower G is a hairsbreadth off the bull.

  5. At certain points where she had deviated from the sheer fact by a mere hairsbreadth the dry little cough had interjected: "Think again!

  6. Where the miraculous was needed it was used, and not a hairsbreadth beyond absolute necessity did it extend.

  7. And after generations have drawn from Him, the water will not have sunk one hairsbreadth in the great fountain, but there will be enough for all coming eternities as there has been enough for all past times.

  8. But the prospect did not turn him a hairsbreadth from his course.

  9. Many of you believe the Gospel intellectually, and it does not make a hairsbreadth of difference to anything that you ever either thought or wished or did.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hairsbreadth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ace; bit; closeness; confinement; crack; earshot; gunshot; hair; hairbreadth; inch; limitation; little; nearness; restriction; span; step; strictness; tightness