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Example sentences for "gunshot"

Lexicographically close words:
gunnysack; gunnysacks; gunpowder; gunroom; guns; gunshots; gunsmith; gunsmiths; gunwale; gunwales
  1. The mainland is not more than a gunshot across.

  2. I asked him if he had ever seen a gunshot wound before, and he admitted that he had not.

  3. Within gunshot range, of course--the precise distance is not easily measured at such a moment.

  4. It is difficult to identify a man when you are only within gunshot of him--and after sundown," said Mr. Linden smiling.

  5. While this was going on Jonnie and I were getting closer to them, and when they had the deer killed we were within gunshot of them, and they didn't eat much before we killed them both.

  6. I then crawled up the bank alone to see just where the Antelope were, and to my surprise I found that there were two or three hundred of them feeding almost on the edge of the ravine in close gunshot to us.

  7. The sight of a smashed head, of a throat cut, of a gaping gunshot wound, would have been an inexpressible relief.

  8. Then he began to explore that cold, still, and rigid body for a stab, a gunshot wound, for the trace of some killing blow.

  9. They appear to know gunshot distance with wonderful precision, and it is seldom indeed that one comes near enough to be secured.

  10. He reached the fort unharmed, but his horse fell dead soon after from gunshot wounds.

  11. That Indian was believed to be Little Crow, and a certain deformity of the wrists from a gunshot in early life was probably sufficient evidence of his identity.

  12. A gunshot wound, if not directed with certainty to some vulnerable point, has only the effect to infuriate the beast, and make him trebly dangerous.

  13. Before it was over I had fainted, and before I regained my senses the vessel was under weigh, and out of gunshot from the batteries.

  14. Among our patients were several cases of gunshot wound through the skull and brain near the eyes; the eyes were inflamed, and ice had to be applied continuously to relieve excruciating pain.

  15. Most of the cases of gunshot wounds gave very little work to the surgeons, as the bullet entered at one place and made its exit at another, thus leaving a clean wound.

  16. Some gunshot wounds had two places of exit and entrance in their course.

  17. On the other hand he showed marks of wounds, which, though they could not be made out, he said were gunshot wounds received in divers encounters and actions.

  18. His galley, the Marquesa, was in the thick of the fight, and before it was over he had received three gunshot wounds, two in the breast and one in the left hand or arm.

  19. Jest keep right on till you're jest out of gunshot an' then make your cut-off into the sage.

  20. Some were on the other side of the river and six on our side, a gunshot away.

  21. A gunshot from the creek is a hill heavily covered with oaks and live oaks; the stream runs through land well suited to cultivation.

  22. I ordered Soldier Archuleta to reconnoitre and he returned saying that the illumination was a gunshot away and that it could be the heathen of the previous day intending to attack us at dawn.

  23. Their work had been over an hour and the sun had set in a clear sky before the "Constellation" drew up to gunshot distance.

  24. On she came, bowing majestically over the water, never making a sign until nearing gunshot distance, when the sound of the pipes and the calls on her deck showed that she was clearing ship for action.

  25. I had known General Pillow in Mexico, and judged that with any force, no matter how small, I could march up to within gunshot of any intrenchments he was given to hold.

  26. About the time the advance of troops reached a point within gunshot of the fort on the land side, he engaged the water batteries at long range.

  27. The wood afforded us pleasant shelter, and standing high and within gunshot of the mouth of the rocky pass, I resolved to make it our camping place.

  28. They approached us with incredible swiftness, and were within gunshot before they perceived us.

  29. Died of a gunshot wound received by accident," the coroner came and found.

  30. But, in that same belief, who could say he might not be lying in ambush within close gunshot of the horse to which the conjecturer dared not now return?

  31. He had made a study of gunshot wounds, and deemed himself fortunate to be in when Mr. Warden called.

  32. He had been in a volunteer regiment, he told me, as an assistant surgeon, but had never gone past the fever camps, as this was his first case of a gunshot wound.

  33. Surely they are not going to endeavour to tow the brig within gunshot of us, are they?

  34. But there is no danger of their venturing within gunshot in any numbers.

  35. The night was so dark and they came so noiselessly that the watching English did not know of their approach until they were within gunshot of the boat.

  36. Let me ask you this, Doctor, in your experience with gunshot wounds, is it possible for a man to be hit sometime before he realizes it?

  37. The wolves had drawn off out of gunshot now.

  38. Sandy and Toma crawled back to within gunshot of the camp, where the men had gathered again, gesticulating to one another, plainly undecided what to do.

  39. The wounding of a bear from a gunshot is far more liable to occur than it is to take a bear's foot by being caught in a trap.

  40. I was now thoroughly alarmed as I knew that a gunshot on the still night air could be heard a long ways from the high ridge I was on.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gunshot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ace; bang; bark; bit; blast; bullet; burst; cannon; crack; detonation; discharge; earshot; ejection; explosion; fusillade; gun; gunfire; gunshot; hair; hairbreadth; inch; little; pop; report; salvo; shot; span; spray; step; tattoo; volley

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    gunshot wound; gunshot wounds