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Example sentences for "limitation"

Lexicographically close words:
limina; limine; liming; limit; limitary; limitations; limite; limited; limites; limiting
  1. This constituted the moral and practical limitation of the regal power.

  2. In this seclusion there was of course implied a limitation of woman's sphere of action and a subordination to one man's interests instead of to the public.

  3. The belief that a sacred book is final authority often results in limitation of freedom of thought--certain things are excluded from discussion.

  4. The second special limitation of this materialism lies in its incapacity to represent the universe as a process, as one form of matter assumed in the course of evolutionary development.

  5. This limitation corresponded with the natural science of the time and the metaphysic coincident therewith, that is the anti-dialectic methods of the philosophers.

  6. The limitation of the Creator's power is made somewhat more explicitly by Plato, who regarded the world as the imperfect realization of a Divine Idea that in itself is perfect.

  7. In Tasmania, in 1896, the House of Assembly passed a private Bill containing a similar limitation to that in the Victorian measure, and was equally unable to secure the concurrence of the Council.

  8. The general provisions of this Act as they affect factories include greater stringency in the sanitary requirements, in the limitation of the hours of labour of women and boys, and in the precautions against accidents.

  9. Yet, in fact, the limitation and the want of variety in this sort of dress had a singular attraction.

  10. Each has to give up something for the limitation of art.

  11. To this limitation it shall be my endeavor to confine myself on this as on all other occasions.

  12. Far from regarding the individual as a generic being, the generic life, Society itself, rather appears as an external frame for the individual, as a limitation of his original independence.

  13. Even without this limitation it is clear and blameless.

  14. The Senate refused a further conference upon the terms proposed, which were abandoned by the House, and a conference without limitation was agreed to.

  15. Naturally, all who are against the proposed system will favor any limitation or burden to impair its efficiency.

  16. The limitation is a departure from strict justice, but it is part of the additional sacrifice which seems to be expected by Congress from these long-suffering claimants.

  17. Thus far I have considered this clause, which according to the Senator is so terribly pregnant, without alluding to the express limitation following in the same section.

  18. It does not specify what women are to vote upon or for whom--they are full voters without limitation at all elections pertaining to school matters.

  19. To generalize is a faculty and function of the human understanding, and from the imperfection and limitation of the understanding are the use and the necessity of generalizing derived.

  20. It is to the coarseness of our senses, or rather to the defect and limitation of our percipient faculty, that the visible object appears the same even for a moment.

  21. Though Maximilian knew well how to employ the activity of the scholar and the artist, and to stimulate the most varied aspirations of his time, there is one necessary limitation to our praise of his attitude.

  22. The voluntary limitation of progeny is not an invention of advanced civilisation.

  23. The position seems to be this: The upper classes who already had established a monopoly of the good things of this world, when the teaching of race-limitation came their way, added this also to their monopoly.

  24. For the country and the hillsides are the land of far vistas and empty spaces, so that the apostle of racial limitation could not there plead that there is no room for more.

  25. They have organised {93} far-reaching systems by which they seek through the limitation of output to improve their condition.

  26. It has only been recently issued, and only those can take it who will sign a {28} declaration that they are either married or about to be married, and that they consider the artificial limitation of families justifiable.

  27. But far more alarming than the mere statement that the race is now sacrificing a third of its children is the fact that this limitation has not yet come to its full development.

  28. John Wesley was one of nineteen children: fortunately for the race, the gospel of the salvation of men through racial limitation had not yet gained devotees in that vicarage where the children were taught to cry quietly!

  29. And, yet, in the region of empty spaces, the Neo-Malthusian regards racial limitation with satisfaction.

  30. Such a limitation may not constitute an excess in a man whose occupation does not call for a great expenditure of physical or mental energy.

  31. When a man performs hard physical or mental labor, his sexual aptitude or capacity is limited, and this limitation cannot be exceeded without risk.

  32. It is precisely this limitation of the stage, however, which causes him to restrict himself.

  33. The limitation imposed upon my intellect, which can only see a small number of truths at a time, is my limit, and this is what distinguishes me from the Absolute Being, from Perfect Intelligence which sees all truths at a glance.

  34. Every thing around us and every thing within us makes us conscious of limitation and dependence.

  35. To the eye of reason the Divine efficiency transcends all limitation and mensuration.

  36. But we are also conscious of limitation and imperfection.

  37. Our conception of the Attributes of God may thus be formed through some relation to our consciousness, but by a process of immediate abstraction--the negation of all limitation by kind, by quantity, or by degree.

  38. The limitation or the illimitation depends simply upon the character of the thought, affection, or act as perfect or imperfect.

  39. The Divine Essence reveals itself to reason as exempt from all limitation by degree.

  40. A limitation posited from without directly destroys the idea of God, for it contradicts the idea of the Absolute.

  41. Determination differs from limitation as much as being differs from nothing.

  42. The necessitarian will not deny that such self-limitation is essential to the very existence of the kingdom of nature.

  43. A moment's reflection will suffice to convince us that a limitation posited from without would be as fatal to the idea of God as a supposed inherent necessity determining the Divine causality from within.

  44. The last and most important limitation of the moral sphere is to those voluntary actions which have relation to personality, human and Divine.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "limitation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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