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Example sentences for "cutoff"

Lexicographically close words:
cutlasses; cutlers; cutlery; cutlet; cutlets; cutout; cutover; cuts; cutt; cutte
  1. I saw him coming kind of toward me around that cutoff through there, and he never did look at me.

  2. I am not thinking in terms that you thought about him on that day, but I am trying to fix a cutoff period.

  3. In the general aptitude battery--you have certain cutoff scores, and these scores indicate a propensity or an aptitude in the certain occupational areas, which are totaled by numbers.

  4. Material cutoff is holding them up something awful.

  5. He started his hand for the cutoff switch.

  6. Watch out for open water on the Thirty Mile River, and be sure you take the big cutoff above Le Barge.

  7. The river took a great bend, and Mason headed his team for the cutoff across the narrow neck of land.

  8. In most of the United States these are known as oxbows or cutoff meanders, but in the desert Southwest they are commonly called by the Spanish term "rincon.

  9. The cutoff at Anderson Bottom probably took place during the Pleistocene Epoch, whereas most of the others along the main rivers probably occurred during the Tertiary Period (fig.

  10. Some idea of the rincon's antiquity is gained from the facts that the river is now some 350 feet lower than at cutoff time, whereas Bowknot Bend (fig.

  11. It was eleven hundred and eighty after the cutoff of 1722.

  12. Entrenched and cutoff meanders Meanders such as those above the confluence generally are formed by streams flowing in soft alluvium consisting of clay, silt, and sand, such as along the Mississippi River below Cairo, Ill.

  13. I want to install an emergency cutoff switch, in case a knob, or something else, goes sour.

  14. So I put in a cutoff which will shut the telectroscope off most of the time; it only looks at the sky once every three milliseconds.

  15. A cutoff in the food supply is the best means of triggering the fall of the cities.

  16. Next (and this is directly related to my remarks on money), the cities will disappear with a cutoff in the supply of food.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cutoff" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airline; arrest; beeline; bell; bound; boundary; bourn; ceiling; check; checkmate; circumscription; compass; confine; cut; cutoff; deadline; deadlock; delimitation; determinant; end; ending; extremity; finish; floor; frontier; gun; halt; hedge; interface; limen; limit; limitation; line; lockout; march; mark; shortcut; stalemate; stand; standstill; start; stay; stop; stoppage; strike; term; terminus; threshold