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Example sentences for "half after"

  • About an hour and a half after we quitted the land, passed a fortified town on the west bank of the river, which appeared to be mostly in ruins.

  • Safa, Left the land an hour and a half after sunrise, with a fine breeze from the north.

  • It was high water in Pumice-stone River, nine hours and a half after the moon's passage over the meridian; and the rise of tide was from three to six feet, the night tide being much the highest.

  • At half after seven he was hit by a rifle-ball, then a fragment of shell unhorsed him, and he was borne from the field, so severely wounded that he was for a considerable time incapacitated for duty.

  • At half after ten o'clock, General Smith sent word that he had heard nothing of the brigade expected to come to his support, and renewed his reports of the enemy crossing over and concentrating against us on the Williamsburg road.

  • At half after four in the afternoon she began to enlarge the nest, and worked with a great deal of energy for forty minutes.

  • Given out on the Wednesday night at eight o'clock, brought in on the Thursday morning at half after nine.

  • Here a man who has his appetite whetted for a six-o'clock repast cares little for a trifling refection at five or half after five.

  • The toasted muffins or crumpets and the many tea-cakes dear to the British palate are little in vogue here, where the dinner hour is almost invariably six or half after six.

  • Lord Wellington informed them, that he wished to consult with Prince Blucher on this point; and on the 29th of June, at half after eleven in the evening, he sent them the following answer.

  • In the evening they had a fresh conference with this general, which gave occasion to the following despatch: "Louvres, July the 1st, half after 8 in the evening.

  • At half after twelve, the Emperor, persuaded that Marshal Grouchy must be in motion, caused the signal for battle to be given.

  • Dinner at the Star and Garter being at the fashionable hour of half after four, I was forced to give over for that day the task of finding Mr. Dix.

  • But the next morning, at half after seven, he walked into the little office and laid down some gold pieces on my table.

  • Francesco's death at "four hours and a half after sunset," would have taken place according to our mode of keeping time between nine and ten.

  • It was now an hour and a half after sunset, and quite dark, so that the scene was visible only by the lurid light of the brasiers, which much favoured the effect intended to be produced.

  • It was a terrible rehearsal, and at half after 2 everybody was exhausted and more or less dissatisfied.

  • One morning Beethoven summoned me at half after 4 o'clock and said: "Copy the violin part of the first Allegro quickly.

  • Dinner is now almost universally at six or half after six o'clock.

  • Very often the hostess invites some of her friends who do not play cards to come in for refreshments at half after four or five o'clock.

  • At a quarter after eight, and then again at half after, there were inquiries at the door for Mr. Indiman.

  • At half after seven I left the club, and exactly a quarter of an hour later I stood opposite the doorway of No.

  • II The Red Duchess At half after eight we sat down to dinner.

  • At half after ten up marched the Haramont National Guards, with colors tied up in black, without a man being missing.

  • It will soon be three o'clock; young Bouille left at half after twelve so that, as his father must have ranged his troops in detachments along the road, he will warn them and they will successively arrive.

  • A quarter past nine, and the King expects me at half after," he muttered: "luckily it is but a step to the palace.

  • At half after twelve, while the two young officers were riding off by the other road, Choiseul presented himself at the gate, coming by the cross-road.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "half after" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    burned alive; flint knives; half amused; half asleep; half centuries; half century; half dozen; half glass; half hours; half inclined; half knots; half laughing; half mile; half millions; half parts; half past; half pound; half smile; half smiling; half speed; half tablespoonful; half teaspoon; half tons; joint meeting; mountain range; still visible