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Example sentences for "handcar"

Lexicographically close words:
handbill; handbills; handbook; handbooks; handbreadth; handcart; handclasp; handcuff; handcuffed; handcuffs
  1. I was about to give up and start toward Capital City to notify the police when I noticed there was a handcar on the tracks, just where this spur joins the main line.

  2. But I'm afraid the railroad company is minus one handcar this morning.

  3. The state road parallels the railroad track for about five or six miles, you know, and I could make nearly as good time in my handcar as they could in their flivver, for it's a down grade nearly all the way.

  4. I'm here, and I wouldn't have been if the engine had hit the handcar when I was on it.

  5. I threw the switch and in a minute I had the handcar on the main line and was pumping along after them.

  6. He faced about just as a handcar shot out around the curve from the north, moving with amazing rapidity under the strokes of four men at the pumps.

  7. But even as the handcar was passing him Mr. Trimm regretted his hastiness.

  8. He made a jump off the right-of-way, and as the handcar flashed by he watched its flight from the covert of a weed tangle.

  9. Already the handcar was a hundred yards away, flitting into distance like some big, wonderfully fast bug, the figures of the men at the pumps rising and falling with a walking-beam regularity.

  10. Their flare and that of the lightning showed him three men getting a handcar in to service.

  11. He started on a run for the depot, as Knight sprang to the handcar and it was whirled down the rails.

  12. He kept at the levers until he saw the handcar speed safely down the main rails.

  13. A handcar bolted right under the windows of the switch tower.

  14. The master mechanic, depot master, and Jack Knight made up one handcar load.

  15. A handcar propelled by two men came into view.

  16. The crippled one was helped aboard of the handcar, Zeph joined them, and the handcar sped away.

  17. Phil, hearing of his companion's misfortune, had requested Mr. Sparling to get him a handcar that he might go in search of Marie and Teddy.

  18. Someone on the handcar waved a hat and shouted back at him.

  19. Let me tell you it's me for the handcar and a square meal.

  20. Shortly after sunrise an Indian track inspector trundled in on a handcar propelled by two natives.

  21. The natives upset the handcar off the track, and the newcomer settled himself for an enjoyable morning.

  22. He was thus engaged when the handcar rattled over the bridge.

  23. As it always did when he sighted potential customers, Jeff's interest quickened when he saw two men with a handcar beside them, working on the tracks.

  24. There was nobody left in the cut, and both the train and the handcar on which the section hands had traveled, were out of sight.

  25. The section men had even got upon their handcar and were pumping away up the east-bound track.

  26. By the time Sammy Durgan had the handcar started the hundred yards was twenty-five, and the monster of flame and smoke behind him was travelling two feet to his one.

  27. It was initial momentum and mass against Sammy Durgan's muscles on a handcar pump handle--and the race was not to Sammy Durgan.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "handcar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.