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Example sentences for "hant"

Lexicographically close words:
hannot; hansom; hansome; hansoms; hansum; hante; hanted; hantle; hantu; hany
  1. Pappy sees dat hoss, with de hant on him, gwine through de woods like de deer.

  2. By the waterhole, one tall white hant used to come nearly every night.

  3. De Hant he come en hollah right above de cabin doo': "What yuh done wif all dem good t'ings dat Ah tole yuh 'bout befo?

  4. If a hant laked whisky in they lifetime, and you pour it round where they's at, they will go away.

  5. Finally a old slavery time man come along and told him to git a quart of whiskey and pour it around the buggy and the hant would go away.

  6. So I take his hant ant says, 'Mister Sergeant!

  7. Ven ze sergeant pring ze Mateira ant we trink it out to ze last trop, I taket his hant ant says, 'Mister Sergeant, perhaps you have still one Vater and one Mutter?

  8. Come hit'er, Dus, gal, and gif your hant to Mortaunt Littlepage, who ist a sort of son of my own.

  9. Childir to engendir oys Venus, and not invane; Hant na surfat, drynk bot quhen thou art dry.

  10. Mair prosper chance to hant go mak the bown!

  11. To dant and reyn the horssis ayr and layt, That is thar game and sport thai hant on raw, 15 Or with thar bowys schute, or dartis thraw.

  12. Stra for to spek of gayt to gentill wight; A hund, a steid, mar langis for a knyght, Quhamto efferis hant na rebald daill; Thar suld na knyght reid bot a knychtly taill.

  13. Was I not lernyt to hant chevalry 30 Amyd the Grekis brag, and Troiane weris?

  14. An' 'twas one er dem same black, biggity Langshans dat ole man Gully's hant come back inter.

  15. I kivered my haid an' then that hant got me by the toe.

  16. He was a debble hant up ter the physological moment all of you appeared.

  17. I wuck up, as I say, kinder smotherin' like an' then I hears the English hant as plain as day.

  18. I hant been fairly lifted up since that good man Judas Oglethorp travelled this road, and then she gave a groan and hung down her head, and looked corner-ways, to see how the land lay thereabouts.

  19. Why you hant got a single thing worth havin, but a good harbor, and as for that the coast is full on 'em.

  20. That, says he, is a valuable province, a real clever province; we hant got the like on it, but its most plagily in our way.

  21. If you are off too quick, you have to pull up and turn back agin, and your beast gets out of wind and is baffled, and if you lose in the start you hant got a fair chance arterwards, and are plaguy apt to be jockied in the course.

  22. No sir, if the English don't want their timber we do want it all, we have used ourn up, we hant got a stick even to whittle.

  23. If they hant got a full cargo of conceit here, then I never seed a load, that's all.

  24. It is goot to shack hant mit an Englander.

  25. Ho I haint neber seed a ghost or hant but I sho don wanter see one neither.

  26. Sho de dead can hant you if war not good to dem wen dey is livin'.

  27. Here, too, wuz the hant of that immortal bird, the Phenix, who raised himself to life every five hundred years.

  28. Tennyrate they meet you on every side and stay right with you as long as you are there and hant you.

  29. Memories of the past seem to hant you more, mebby it is because them old memories can slip along easier over them glassy streets, easier than they can over our hard rocky pavements.

  30. Be hapa to her from you all and then we Can tell the Pepel what to Penon, and ef you Plese Rite to us A Bout the Deed that we sent to you for we hant never hern from it yeat unly By Rev.

  31. Dot shpook auto has dook a hant in der pitzness," murmured Carl, flashing a fearful glance around.

  32. I got a pooty leedle kitney-punch vat I vould like to hant aroundt, only I don'd haf der dime.

  33. Dis hant was in de shape o' a duck, an' it followed me one day frum de big house kitchen ter de hawg pen whar I wuz gwine ter slop de hawgs.

  34. It's de hant of dat Jamaica niggah woman's man gettin' money to gib to de debil!

  35. But we-all knows she done kill him, 'cause eber since he been missin' he done hant dat tree.

  36. I ax some of dem people bout dere what dey reckon dat was en dey say all dey know to compare it to was a hant or a ghost.

  37. I know I has stayed in houses dat people say was hanted plenty times en I got to see my first hant yet.

  38. It had been rainin en soon as it quit, de moon shine out bright as ever was day en dat when de hant turn de cart loose.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.