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Example sentences for "hante"

Lexicographically close words:
hansom; hansome; hansoms; hansum; hant; hanted; hantle; hantu; hany; hanything
  1. The animal is tamed here; he is fatter than the wild one, but he hante the spirit.

  2. The worst of it is, too, while we pay for all this, we hante got the direction of the works.

  3. You've seen a gall both larf and cry at the same time, hante you?

  4. That beautiful river we came up to day, What superfine farms it has on both sides of it, hante it?

  5. They sot on him like second hand clothes, as if they had'nt been made for him and did'nt exactly fit.

  6. If he hangs on to the powers that be, then he's a Council man, he's for votin large salaries, for doin as the great people at Halifax tell him.

  7. I guess these Blue Noses think so bout their horses, they are fairly eat up by them, out of house and home, and they are no good neither.

  8. I'll give you a quarter of an hour, says the Captain of the Guerriere to his men, to take that are Yankee frigate the Constitution.

  9. But if it is behind us in that respect, it is a long chalk ahead on us in others.

  10. The Admiral, madam, said I, did not trouble his head about it.

  11. Folks said Mr. Adams was a very tender hearted man.

  12. Clockmaker, with such a tone of ineffable contempt, that I felt a strong inclination to knock him down for his insolence --your friends!

  13. It may lower her ugliness a leetle, but it won't raise her beauty, if she hante got none.

  14. It's a home market he looks to, and the best of it is, he thinks he hante none to spare.

  15. Wine hante no taste for a man that drinks grog, that's a fact.

  16. If they tell us they don't, it's because the right man hante come.

  17. No, I hante come that yet; but Astoria Ann Oregon, my grand-daughter, says I am to be about the fore part of next June.

  18. It comes reluctant, and when it does arrive it hante long to stay, for the last quarter takes its turn at the lantern.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hante" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.