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Example sentences for "harbors"

Lexicographically close words:
harbor; harborage; harbored; harboring; harborow; harbour; harbourage; harboured; harbouring; harbours
  1. My method of entering harbors or through mine fields consists principally in providing submarine vessels with bottom wheels and other component undisclosed details.

  2. The genial climate, the fecund soil, the wealth of mines and field and forest, the capacious harbors and the encircling seas, all would be vanity of vanities.

  3. At the south coast of the island about 20 degrees North Latitude, opposite Hispaniola, almost two miles from the sea, in the depth of a harbor which one may well pronounce the first among the large and safe harbors of the New World.

  4. These extend east and west, but are separated into several distinct masses by the Rio Sagua, and the Rio Mayari, which break through and empty into harbors on the north coast.

  5. Before long the ships of the little confederacy were found in many harbors all along the Atlantic coast.

  6. He followed the shore closely and explored many harbors “which the ships of the marquis had failed to observe,” as he notes, but he nowhere succeeded in obtaining any news of the army of Coronado.

  7. Their harbors are filled with ships, and their treasury with the gold of the world.

  8. A visit paid in a friendly way to General Garibaldi yesterday (by cordial invitation,) by some of our passengers, has gone far to confirm the dread suspicions the government harbors toward us.

  9. The gallery guns command the peninsula and the harbors of both oceans, but they might as well not be there, I should think, for an army could hardly climb the perpendicular wall of the rock anyhow.

  10. Rhode Island sent out privateers and prepared to defend her harbors and coast.

  11. Great fleets were gathered in the harbors of Spain, and a large army was assembled in the Netherlands to cooperate with the naval armament.

  12. Barely one-third of the ships of the Armada ever reentered the harbors whence they sailed.

  13. I suppose it may be efficient, and perhaps sufficient, to make slight improvements and repairs in harbors already in use, and not much out of repair.

  14. They make no mention of Dalmatia and the Dalmatian Archipelago, with their deep harbors and natural fortifications--a curious contrast to the lowland harbors of the Italian coast opposite.

  15. The will of the Czar can effect much, but it can not convert Russia into a naval power until he can secure a seacoast, and harbors which can not be shut up to him by a single hostile fortification.

  16. I suppose it may be efficient, and perhaps sufficient, to make slight improvements and repairs in harbors already in use and not much out of repair.

  17. The Baltic Sea would also be frozen each winter, and even the eastern harbors of the British Isles would be frequently locked in ice.

  18. If the ocean were fresh and our winters as cold as now, all the harbors of New England and the Middle Atlantic States would be icebound.

  19. Detroit has one of the best harbors on all the Great Lakes, making it splendidly suited for the building and launching of vessels.

  20. One of the best harbors on the Great Lakes.

  21. Through long practical experience it is prepared to build and equip complete airship harbors and dock yards, prepare landing fields and airdromes.

  22. In all some twenty-four complete airship harbors have been built from start to finish by this organization, which is under the management of Mr. Milatz and his staff of experts varying between 20 and a hundred members.

  23. The airship harbors built by the "DELAG" and Zeppelin had particularly extensive workshops, for besides the regular maintenance work, they produced many new parts and instruments for navigating Zeppelins.

  24. The company designed and constructed the two modern sheds at Friedrichshafen, the entire Staaken plant, the "DELAG" airship harbors and nearly all the other airports in Germany.

  25. These waters furnish perhaps the finest harbors in the world.

  26. Verrazzani returned to France with glowing accounts of the beauty, fertility, and noble harbors of the country.

  27. Since most country districts are without sanitary closets, reinfection may occur again and again, until an individual harbors a host of these tiny bloodsuckers, which interfere with his digestion and sap his vitality.

  28. Illinois should have railroads and canals; the rivers and harbors should be improved.

  29. He ordered an American squadron to take San Francisco and other harbors on the California coast.

  30. Trying to get appropriations for the rivers and harbors of Illinois.

  31. He gave orders to move his fleet to one of the harbors of San Juan, and his cannon were ready to fire shot over the peaceful fields, where sheep and pigs had divided possession.

  32. Safe harbors are numerous, though not easy of access, for sunken ledges or merciless reefs guard them from approach.

  33. Only the accessible harbors have been utilized by man, and but few of these are, even to-day.

  34. Contrary to the old tradition which made the Egyptians keep away from all things foreign, they allowed the exchange of Egyptian merchandise for goods which had been carried to their harbors from elsewhere.

  35. It was situated upon the main road from Egypt to Mesopotamia and it was within a week's distance from the harbors on the Mediterranean.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harbors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.