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Example sentences for "hautes"

Lexicographically close words:
haut; hautbois; hautboy; hautboys; haute; hauteur; hauteurs; hauts; hauty; hauyng
  1. It is exposed to the fire of Bicêtre, Ivry, and Hautes Bruyères.

  2. The Fort of Montrouge is almost surrounded by the troops, who advance also by means of trenches towards the Redoubt of Hautes Bruyères.

  3. They are vigorously attacking Bicêtre and Hautes Bruyères.

  4. Fort Montrouge is still held, and is strongly supported by the Hautes Bruyères.

  5. Auguste Longnon introduced at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes the study of historical geography (Atlas historique de la France, in course of publication since 1888).

  6. The lectures at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, which he attended from its foundation in 1868, revealed his true bent; and henceforth he devoted himself almost entirely to scholarship.

  7. Professor of the History of Dogma, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, Paris.

  8. It has taken a great interest in the future commercial education of the merchant by promoting the “Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales” recently erected.

  9. Professor of the History of Dogma, Ecole pratique des hautes etudes, Sorbonne, Paris.

  10. What I was most interested in was the vast stores of the so-called thé des Alpes, a little plant of the sage tribe, of which I had heard at Gap, in the Hautes Alpes.

  11. The Government is replanting many bare mountain-sides here, as in the Hautes Alpes, in order to improve the soil and climate.

  12. Pourquoi donc a perpetuite proposer aux gens, comme but supreme a atteindre, ce que de hautes intelligences ont decouvert en elle.

  13. But the old antagonism between the École des hautes études and the École des chartes on the one hand, and the Faculties on the other, has disappeared.

  14. He crowned the somewhat heterogeneous edifice of existing institutions by the creation of an "École pratique des hautes études," which was established at the Sorbonne in 1868.

  15. The École pratique des hautes études (historical and philological section) was intended by those who founded it to prepare young men for research of a scientific character.

  16. Technical knowledge and the capacity of doing original research (as at the École des chartes and the École des hautes études)?

  17. He has been secretary of the Association des Anciens Elèves de L’Ecole Polytechnique since its organization and he has been professor of transportation and communication at l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Montreal.

  18. Adelard, a graduate of Mount St. Louis College, is now a student at l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes.

  19. He made the architectural design and plans for the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales of Montreal for Messrs.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hautes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.