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Example sentences for "houres"

Lexicographically close words:
hounds; houp; hour; houre; hourely; hourglass; houri; houris; hourly; hours
  1. The Duke as thou knowest, is absent, olde, and crooked, and at all houres in the mercy of death throughe the daungers of the warres.

  2. Thus did the Greeks, when they begirt the walles Of strong-built Troy, sometimes with friendly cheeks Entertayne peace and spend their frollick houres In courtly feasting of each other foe.

  3. Zounds what foolish Canaanits were they to run in debt to their eyes for an houres sleepe sooner then they needed!

  4. The said armour and munition likewise is kept in one seuerall place of euerie towne, appointed by the consent of the whole parish, where it is alwaies readie to be had and worne within an houres warning.

  5. So sorrowe still doth seem too long to last; But ioyous houres do fly away too fast.

  6. How slowly do the houres theyr numbers spend?

  7. Sidenote: In 138 houres I neuer made drop of water.

  8. Nowe from Cosmin to the Citie of Pegu they goe in sixe houres with the flood, and if it be ebbing water, then they make fast their boate to the riuer side, and there tary vntil the water flow againe.

  9. They say they have alwayes fiue or sixe hundred horsemen readie at an houres warning.

  10. The 29 about two houres before day we alighted at Famagusta, and after we were refreshed we went to see the towne.

  11. Antiueri, and about sunne set wee passed Ragusa, and three houres within night we ankered within Meleda, hauing Sclauonia or Dalmatia on the right hand of vs, and the winde Southwest.

  12. Berowne they call him, but a merrier man, Within the limit of becomming mirth, I neuer spent an houres talke withall.

  13. And then to sleepe but three houres in the night, And not be seene to winke of all the day.

  14. Neglected rather: And then when poysoned houres had bound me vp From mine owne knowledge, as neerely as I may, Ile play the penitent to you.

  15. I found you as a Morsell, cold vpon Dead Caesars Trencher: Nay, you were a Fragment Of Gneius Pompeyes, besides what hotter houres Vnregistred in vulgar Fame, you haue Luxuriously pickt out.

  16. They rested and eat above 5 houres without speaking one to another.

  17. In some places in this lake where is an innumerable quantity of fish, that in 2 houres they load their boat with as many as they can carry.

  18. That goddess' To mine oaten pipe enclin'd her eare That she thenceforth therein gan take delight, And it desir'd at timely houres to heare Al were my notes but rude and roughly dight.

  19. For these two houres Rosalinde, I wil leaue thee Ros.

  20. I was with him three houres the morning he dyed; he seemed to be well enough[343].

  21. After dinner he used to walke 3 or four houres at a time (he alwayes had a garden where he lived); went to bed about 9.

  22. About every 3 houres his man was to bring him a roll and a pott of ale[LXIV.

  23. You know sometimes He walkes foure houres together, heere In the Lobby Qu.

  24. For looke you how cheerefully my Mother lookes, and my Father dyed within's two Houres Ophe.

  25. And when Thomas came to Gilford Greene, And walked there some houres three, Then was he ware of the Lord Phenix, And four men in his companye.

  26. I bad him, Lie still, lazar, where he lay, Looke he went not away; I wold make him a whole man and a sound In two houres of a day.

  27. Hymen of my muse For one poore houres love?

  28. Though six houres since, the Sunne to bed did part, 190 The masks and banquets will not yet impart A sunset to these weary eyes, A Center to this heart.

  29. Such life is like the light which bideth yet When the lights life is set, Or like the heat, which fire in solid matter 15 Leaves behinde, two houres after.

  30. Or “the water of the sea hath a marveylous remedy in it against the pestilence, if they wash them therein iiii or v houres togither, or if need require let him stand x or xii houres therein.

  31. Thus longe taryed this gentyll knyght, 245 Tyll that playe was done, So longe abode Robyn fastynge, Thre houres after the none.

  32. How In this our pinching Caue, shall we discourse The freezing houres away?

  33. I haue read three houres then: Mine eyes are weake, Fold downe the leafe where I haue left: to bed.

  34. For the paralells here are drawne by euery halfe houres encrease.

  35. Vnder the Aequator the day is alwayes twelue houres longe, but as you goe from it towards the Pole, the Day lengthens still till it comes to a day halfe a yeare long.

  36. Climats in which the Day encreaseth by halfe houres from 12.

  37. The houres come backe, that did I neuer here S.

  38. And carefull houres with times deformed hand, Haue written strange defeatures in my face: But tell me yet, dost thou not know my voice?

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "houres" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.