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Example sentences for "houris"

Lexicographically close words:
houre; hourely; houres; hourglass; houri; hourly; hours; hous; house; houseboat
  1. And thus, befoir midnyght, did thay send fordward thair ordinance; thame selffis did follow befoir three houris in the morning.

  2. The battery begane att iiij houris in the mornyng, and befoir ten houris of the day, the haill sowth qwarter, betuix the foir tour and the East blok-house, was maid saltable.

  3. The great schippis discharged thare souldiouris in the smallare veschellis, and thei by bottis, sett upon dry land befoir ten houris ten thousand men, as was judged, and mo.

  4. Befoir it was eight houris in the morning, God had gevin unto us boith curage, and a reasonable nomber to withstand thair furie.

  5. The Bischope, greatlie offended that any thing should have bein interprised in Reformatioun of his place, asked of the Lordis his band and hand-writting, whiche nocht two houris befoir he had send to thame.

  6. The lawer transe was condempned, diverse slane into it, and the East blok-house was schote of fra the rest of the place, betuix ten houris and ellevin.

  7. Sone after sax houris at nycht, war arryved and had casten anker in the Read of Leyth, mo then two hundreth sailles.

  8. Beside Montruill upon the grene Befoir ten houris I sal be sene.

  9. All hale thy heart for till have myne, 85 Is all my coveting; My sheip to morn quhyle houris nyne, Will need of nae keiping.

  10. I must either stay aboard and do duty for Cherry, or never set eyes on these houris again, or knock under to one or the other.

  11. Generally, they are described as females, and take the business of Venus in the Greek heaven, and of the Houris in that provided by Mahomet and his followers.

  12. What David's pleasures were we may judge from his life, and we may fairly imagine that the writer of the passage had an idea something like that of Mahomet--that there were houris in Heaven for the delectation of the faithful.

  13. So are Naiads and Dryads and Houris and Valkyrie and other fabulous ladies.

  14. Paul waved the dreaded houris away as though they were midges.

  15. Before the battle commenced, the commanders reminded the warriors of the beautiful celestial houris who awaited the heroes slain in battle at the gates of Paradise.

  16. This fact recalls Muhammed's promise to his believers that they would meet the ever-beautiful dark-eyed houris in the life after death.

  17. I found myself in the midst of a seraglio of houris of my old acquaintance, for whom the most lively inclination was not new to me.

  18. Young virgins in cloisters are not so fresh: the beauties of the seraglio are less animated: the houris of paradise less engaging.

  19. While for every Turk that fell in battle the gates of Paradise would open and the most beautiful Houris would minister with wine and dance to the unlimited enjoyment of the faithful.

  20. Those who vanquish in his name will possess the earth; those who fall will possess the houris and the fountains of Paradise.

  21. Some have supposed that there will be no place in the Moslem Paradise for women, as their place will be taken by the seventy-two bright-eyed Houris or damsels of Paradise.

  22. Talk of that kind rests on no sounder basis than the old assertions about the houris and the happy hunting-grounds, and it brings no surer consolation.

  23. I do not understand how people can habitually take Turks in bad part; Mohammed had his good points; respect for the inventor of seraglios with houris and paradises with odalisques!

  24. I knew this because I heard her singing; she sang her beloved to sleep as a mother lulls her babe to rest, or as the houris sing in paradise, when they in wondrous melody announce the joys of heaven to dying mortals.

  25. Oh, you are surpassingly beautiful, and it seems to me the prophet has graciously sent me one of his houris from Paradise.

  26. Yes--beautiful are these women, as are the houris in paradise, and enviable is he to whom they belong.

  27. A gilded chariot bore the lady under a covering of purple silk; after it came other wagons and white Syrian camels, also covered with purple, bearing packs; houris and bayaderes sang songs to her on the road.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "houris" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.