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Example sentences for "huacas"

Lexicographically close words:
hsiang; hsiu; hsiung; hten; html; hub; hubbub; hubby; hubiera; hubiese
  1. The royal magazines and the huacas or tombs of the Incas have been found to contain many specimens of curious and elaborate workmanship.

  2. II-8] Articles of burned clay are more numerous in the huacas than those of other material.

  3. The golden ornaments taken from the huacas of Chiriqui amount to many thousands of dollars in value.

  4. The search for treasure in the huacas still goes on, and is not always unrewarded.

  5. It was the huacacoal, the stone of the huaca, whereas the huacas of the family or house were distinguished as conopas.

  6. The Christian missionaries had more difficulty in rooting out the worship of the Huacas than in abolishing that of the Sun and Moon, and we may still detect numerous traces of this ancient superstition amongst the natives of Peru.

  7. These huacas represented (as true fetiches should) forms which were sometimes animal, sometimes human, sometimes simply grotesque, but always ugly and exaggerated.

  8. For this reason they made huacas (worshipful objects or fetishes) of the trees, caves and fountains.

  9. The Huacas or huge pyramidal burial mounds of these people, which were so constructed that each added body, with its funeral accessories, had its own clay-mortar enclosure, prove also that some rude attempt at embalmment was practised.

  10. The huacas they use are in different shapes.

  11. Idolatrous rites increased and people devoted themselves to the worship of huacas .

  12. In the capital, one building held duplicates of all the huacas throughout the land.

  13. Then, on account of having "issued or descended from stated localities, the people made huacas and places of worship of these, in memory of the origin of their lineage.

  14. This Inca also commanded all the nations they conquered to hold their huacas in great veneration.

  15. I confess that, until I studied the above record in full, I had very vague ideas about the huacas or "idols" of the Peruvians.

  16. But when I found it stated, further on, that "each tribe wore the dress with which their huaca is invested," I began to realize what huacas might originally have been.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "huacas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.