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Example sentences for "humanize"

Lexicographically close words:
humanitarians; humanitie; humanities; humanity; humanization; humanized; humanizing; humankind; humanlike; humanly
  1. An opponent of militarism, of vindictive penal laws, of corporal punishment for the young, of cruel sports, and indeed of every form of brutality, he had done as much as any man of his generation to humanize public opinion.

  2. That was the sort of reasoning with which any attempts to humanize Eton customs were parried and thwarted.

  3. One marked aspect of recent devil-fiction is the tendency to gloze over his sins and to humanize him.

  4. By this, leisure and opportunity are given for the cultivation of the arts, the sciences, and industries, which tend to humanize men, and lessen the restless war spirit.

  5. The more we humanize literature the greater art does it become.

  6. Not that people accepted Tolstoy's views that art should teach the love of God and man, but his idea did much to humanize art.

  7. Without intending it, perhaps, you have done more to promote the cause of true religion, more to intellectualize and humanize man's conception of Almighty God, than any other reformer since the days of Christ.

  8. Patrons of all the arts that humanize mankind, under your protection I place humanity herself!

  9. The tendency to humanize the animals is more and more marked in all recent nature books that aim at popularity.

  10. Humanize your facts to the extent of making them interesting, if you have the art to do it, but leave the dog a dog, and the straddle-bug a straddle-bug.

  11. The cat must be loved much and courted assiduously before she will blossom out and humanize under the atmosphere of affection.

  12. The nature lover is always tempted to do this very thing; his tendency is to humanize the wild life about him, and to read his own traits and moods into whatever he looks upon.

  13. Socialists now, indeed, generally make light of the difficulty of over-population which Baboeuf solved so glibly with the guillotine, and they contend that their system would humanize civilization instead of destroying it.

  14. Indeed, the orchard, more than almost any other thing, tends to soften and humanize the country, and to give the place of which it is an adjunct a settled, domestic look.

  15. You can have a Hull House established by private initiative and maintained by individual genius, just as you had planters who freed their slaves or as you have employers to-day who humanize their factories.

  16. The discovery, whatever the motive, will inevitably humanize industry a good deal.

  17. It is this inner work and the habits that result from it that above all humanize a man and make him exemplary to the multitude.

  18. It suits the spiritual indolence of the creator who seeks to evade the more difficult half of his problem--which is not merely to create but to humanize his creation.

  19. He helped to civilize the church and to humanize the people.

  20. I am doing what I can to civilize the churches, humanize the preachers and get the fear of hell out of the human heart.

  21. Some planters hit upon the seemingly more profitable scheme of working newly imported slaves to death during seven years and buying another supply rather than attempt to humanize them.

  22. Woman’s mission is to tame and humanize the ferocity of man’s disposition; and the more antagonistic are the characters of two beings of opposite sexes thus to be brought in contact with each other, the better for the purpose.

  23. And the moment the sounds of everyday life began to humanize the neighborhood, he returned; sat down to his machine.

  24. The inevitable tracks of living had begun to humanize it.

  25. As Rattenbury has pointed out: "Achilles Tatius seems to have felt that the fetish of chastity in the average romance was absurd, and tries to humanize romance by creating characters that are reasonably, not unreasonably, moral.

  26. The mind having been "unsensualized," the next step is to moralize and humanize it, otherwise Reason on her throne may act not much more wisely than other monarchs have done.

  27. Was it the business of magic to humanize our natures with compassion Addison.

  28. Defn: To convert into something human or belonging to man; as, to humanize vaccine lymph.

  29. Do something to humanize this marble grief.

  30. My second plan is to humanize the Hungarian nobles.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "humanize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.