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Example sentences for "hus"

Lexicographically close words:
hurtle; hurtled; hurtles; hurtling; hurts; husband; husbande; husbanded; husbandes; husbanding
  1. Hans første Tanke var, at de to unge Mænd var blevne arresterede uden for paa Gaden, og at hans Hus i den Anledning skulde undersøges.

  2. Ac while he wrought in thys worlde, And wan hus mete with Treuthe, He sat atte syd benche And secounde table, Com no wyn in hus wombe Thorw the weke longe, Nother blankett in hus bed, Ne white bred byfore hym.

  3. And hath no catel bote hus crafte To clothy hem and to fede, And fele to fonge therto, And fewe pans taketh.

  4. For yf he be feer therfro, Ful ofte hath he drede That fals folke fetche away Felonliche hus godes.

  5. For theder as the fend flegh, Hus fote for to sette, Ther he failede and fuel, And hus felawes alle.

  6. Thorgh wiche craft he couthe come To bred and to ale, And ovar more to an hater To helye with hus bones, And lyveth like a lollere, Godes lawe him dampneth.

  7. Thauh the messager made hus wey Amyde the whete, Wole no wys man wroth be, Ne hus wed take, Ys non haiwarde y-hote Hus wed for to take.

  8. Da Vorherre kaldte dem i Hus for at skærme dem for Natten, var de blevet voksne, modnet i Eftermiddagens Solhede.

  9. Helfert, Studien uber Hus und Hieronymus (1853; this work is ultramontane in its sympathies); C.

  10. I Grunden var Oline nu blit for gammel og svak til at stelle Hus og Dyr paa Maaneland, hun burde opgi det; men kunde hun det?

  11. Barbro kom hjem igjen for at styre Hus hos en Ungkar i Utmarken.

  12. Thet sudlikoste hus is there Burchfam his hem.

  13. Jef en stjurar of and arm is, and hi heth hus nach erv, sa mot im that jon wertha.

  14. As wi nw to hongk kemon, heth hju orlovi frejad vmbe nei hjra hus to gane.

  15. That erv mei en rond-del wesa sa grat that hi fon alle sidum sjvgun hvndred tredun ut of sine hus mei hlapa, er hi an sina rena kvmth.

  16. Wind reston in sina budar, werthrvch rek and stom lik sela boppa hus and polon stand.

  17. Den største Begivenhed i det generalconsulige Hus var imidlertid, at Poul i April skulde op til Adgangsexamen til Søofficeersskolen.

  18. Fra Tid til anden er det lille Hus blevet ombygget og udvidet en Smule, saa at det, uden at have forandret sin oprindelige Charakter synderligt, endnu i dette Øieblik afgiver en bekvem Sommerbolig for mig og min Familie.

  19. At that time, Hus failed to make any impression on him.

  20. See, all ye Papists and Romanists,” he cries, “whether you are able to undo one page of John Hus with all your writings.

  21. Nor does Luther, when speaking of his later development, ever admit having read Hus and other heretical books, or being in any way indebted to them.

  22. It is true there are recent writers who look upon him as a mere comedian, but it would be nearer the mark to compare him to John Hus on his journey to the Council of Constance.

  23. Johann Grefenstein, his master at Erfurt, had once let fall the remark in his presence that Hus had been put to death without any previous attempt being made to instruct or convert him.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    husband and; husband came; husband said; husband went; husband will; hush thee; hushed voice; husky voice; husky whisper