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Example sentences for "immigrating"

Lexicographically close words:
immersions; immigrant; immigrants; immigrate; immigrated; immigration; immigrations; imminence; imminency; imminent
  1. The attitude of the people of Detroit toward immigrating Negroes had been reflected by the position the people of that section had taken from the time of the earliest settlements.

  2. Peasants immigrating from the north found that their wheat and pulse did not thrive here, and slowly they had to gain familiarity with rice cultivation.

  3. The officials immigrating from the north regarded the south as colonial country, and so as more or less uncivilized.

  4. Each of these had their origin-traditions of immigrating tribes or teachers who came in the distant past to seek new homes, escape persecution, or introduce new religious ideas, in the fertile Maya plains.

  5. Meaning place of detention, because here the immigrating tribes used to halt, while deciding upon their settlement.

  6. The Jews from Russia have a much higher rate of immigration than any other people immigrating from Russia.

  7. The relative position of the Jews among the peoples immigrating from Austria is of interest in this connection.

  8. So fair was Kentucky, so rich, so promising, that native red men and immigrating white men were ever ready to fight for a piece of her fertile soil.

  9. Italians and other Europeans are immigrating thither, and the question is eagerly debated whether they will fill acceptably the gap left by the departing Negroes.

  10. Under the caption of "Learn Trades or Starve," he tried to drive home the truth that if the free people of color did not soon heed his advice, foreigners then immigrating in large numbers would elbow them from all lucrative positions.

  11. Their condition excited the sympathy of the immigrating colored women.

  12. The large immigrating party have now arrived, most of them with their herds, having left the wagons at Wallawalla and the Dalles, which they intend to bring by land or water to the Wallamet in the spring.

  13. His prudence and good management with his tribe sanctioned the choice that had been made, and all the whites spoke handsomely of his kind offices and obliging deportment, while immigrating through his country.

  14. It would be simply a case of the common anthropological fact that a race immigrating into an already inhabited country becomes to some extent modified by intermarriage with the earlier inhabitants.

  15. This is perhaps the reason why the first great inroads of neolithic man into the Mediterranean left it quite untouched, although it lay directly in the path of tribes immigrating into Europe from Africa.

  16. The ultimately favorable attitude of the people of Detroit toward immigrating Negroes had been reflected by the position the people of that section had taken from the time of the earliest settlements.

  17. The number seeking employment far exceeded the demand for labor and thus multiplied the number of vagrants and paupers, many of whom had already been forced to this condition by the Irish and Germans then immigrating into northern cities.

  18. It would be impossible, therefore, for the Negroes immigrating there to take up land and develop a class of small farmers as they were doing in Africa.

  19. Fourthly: They were guilty of immigrating rapidly from the different States, and of purchasing large quantities of land, and of being more enterprising and industrious than their neighbors.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "immigrating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.